My brother's best friend

By JasmineCline9

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my brother has always been cool he's like my best friend. And his best friend dave is like my brother from an... More

my life
did he just say that?
my girl
shot clock
I said what I said!
the first night
forever my lady
are you or aren't you the father?
You did what?
viva la mexico!
why are you here?
Us? Us who?
why did you hurt me?
come lay down with me
zip lining/ date night
it's my birthday!
hood love
love on me
seriously my nigga?
The Cabin part 1
Cabin part 2
Petty part 1
Petty part 2
date night due over part 1
date night part 2
Thank you
we in Dubai!!!
dubai hi!!!!
flying high
black out
blackout part 2
I apologize
hey guys!
so much for a good time
Truth is part 2
Truth is part 3
Hoes now a days!
babymama drama
The question part 1
the question part 2
the calm before the storm
Dave's birthday party
Let's get married
Bali with my babe
new stories
Last night in bali
Back to L.A we go
Find her now!
new story alert
Where is my wife?
Stair way to heaven
Back down to earth
Couples Trip to Jamaica
Jamaica! Jamaica!
Having his babe
Trust issues part 1
Trust issues 2
truth 3
Not again
The plan
Gender reveal
We need to talk part 1
We need to talk part 2
Who's watching me?
X out
Belinda part 1
Belinda part 2
Safe house part 1
Safe house part 2
thoughts and comments
What we going to do?
New story alert!
Babygirl is here!
authors note
my brothers best friend bood 2 sneak peak

Truth is part 1

5.7K 168 11
By JasmineCline9

( ok yall so before I start this book do not blame dave for this situation it's not what y'all think I promise not is it his fault let's just say watch the people that's around you.)

Dave's pov

Man I'm sitting in this mouthafuckin doctors office nerves af right now this is some bullshit. I didn't think nothing will come of this situation. I was high and drunk off my ass that night.

(Flash back)
It was my homies rocka birthday party jazz couldn't come with me because she was sick but insisted I go anyways. The night was pretty chill we smoking drinking laughing hella shit then my nigga pookie decided to call some hoes over and a couple of stripper's April just so happened to be one of them. I'm just trying to sit back and be cool I ain't single and jazz I already know shit would get back to her if I did do something.

"Hey babe." April said trying to sit on my lap.

"Man move April I don't know why you doin all that." I said being honest.

"Come on you don't want a lap dance by me?" She asked

"Na I'm cool on all that."

Besides jazz ain't about to kill me.

"Come on stop playing daddy you know you want me." She said whispering in my ear.

"Bitch didn't I tell you to move." I said pushing her to the ground.

She got up and smirked then walked away.

"Aye my nigga you good what was that all about?" Rocka asked.

"Man just thirsty ass hoes doing to much."

"Aight bro don't have little sis come in her fucking my shit up because your ass wanna do dumb shit." He said laughing at me.

"Yeah whatever nigga."

The party started to get more lit by the minute I was getting drunk off my ass. Some of the trap hoes was bringing us drinks and rolling or blunts are started feeling a little dizzy so I went to go lay down. By the time I woke up I had a banging ass headache and no memory of what happened that night I didn't find out tell the next day what happened and since then I haven't talk to jazz about it since.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the doctor coming in.

"Alright Mr. brewster ever thing appears to be fine but as a precaution you shouldn't have sex for atleast two weeks until we have further results." She said.

"Why two weeks you said everything was normal."

"Yes but as a precaution don't have sex until the rest of the test have been confirmed or denied it takes a while for an std to manufacture so if you do have it we can catch right on and it prevents your partner from possibly catching it. Have you guys had sex lately?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Well I'm that case you might wanna have her get tested also just in case but until then avoid any sexual activities until your test come back ok?" She said.

I nodded.

"Well contact you with the results until then have a good day."

"You too."

I got up and just shook my head how the fuck did I get my self in this situation bro and how I'm going to tell her? Well atleast this week she's on her period now if I can just get through that next week I'll be fine.

Incoming call from wifey💙😘🥰:

I was debating if I should answer it but I knew if I didn't she would blow my phone up. So I answered.

"Hey babe what's good?

"Hey babe." She said sounding sick.

"You okay? You sound awful."

"Yeah this flu sucks." She said.

"Okay I'll bring you some medicine and stuff."

"Okay babe thank you." She said.

"Your welcome get some rest wifey."

"Ok love you."

"I love you too." I said.

I hung up. That's how I know she sick she didn't even ask where I was my poor babe. As I was walking out I seen April sitting there she seen me and had a smirk on her face.

"Ol nasty ass hoe." I said walking out.

Once I got outside I hopped in the car and went straight to cvs and picked jazz up some medication once I did that I went straight to her house.

I opened the door and went to me and jazz room. She was sleep I didn't wanna wake her so I just stripped out of my clothes and went and laid down next to her.

Man I don't know how I'm going to explain this shit.

Jazz pov

"Hey bookie you okay?" Cookie asked.

"No I feel like shit honestly but dave's been taking care of me."

"Aww he's so sweet." She said.

"Yes he is. Do what's the word on these streets honey."

Cookie stays with all the tea and gossip her strip club stories are hilarious.

"Girl so why the night of rockas party them  trap hoes put date rap drugs in every body drinks."

"You lying."

"Girl no. It was April, tika and summer. I think coo.coo had something to do with it too I'm not sure though."

"Damn well hopefully dave didn't except a drink from one of them."

"Man who you telling where he at anyways?"

"Downstairs playing 2k with rocka and jay."

"Oh ok well I got to go boo hope you feel better."

"Ok boo I'll hit you later."

I hung the phone up and went downstairs to these niggas yelling at the game.

"Man you suck nigga pass me the controller." Jay said.

"Man fuck you y'all ass don't know what y'all doing." Rocka said.

"Yeah whatever you the one that's making us lose though." Dave said.

"Y'all do know I can hear y'all from upstairs right?"

"My bad sis." Jay said.

"Sorry babygirl." Rocka said.

"I'm sorry boo why you ain't upstairs getting some rest?"

"I got hungry and very thirsty." I said walking into the kitchen and Dave walking behind me.

"Babe go back upstairs I got it."

"Babe its cool I got it."

"Na your ass to damn sick you can barely stand." He said.

With that I almost fell out.

"Nope see you going right back upstairs to lay down." He said.

He picked me up and walked me up the stairs to lay me down.

"Lay down and I'll be back." He said kissing my forehead.

"Thanks boo."

1 hour later

"Here you go babe." He said handing me some tea and soup.

"Thank you babe." I said sitting up on the bed post.

I drank some of my tea he used that old school remedy my grandmere(grandma) gave him.

"Your welcome babe."

"So I heard about what happened at rocka party."

"Oh yeah?"

He looks like he was about to faint.

"Yeah I'm mad why did you tell me?"

"I don't know babe I thought it was nothing but-"

"So bitches poising y'all ain't nothing?"

Then I seen anger coming on his face.

"What you mean poision us?"

"Oh so y'all don't know?"

"Know what?" He asked.

"Well if you except any drinks from them they slipped y'all the date rape drug."

"Oh for real do you know who it was?"

"As far as I know it was April tika and  summer. Cookie think it was coo coo to but she's not sure. Why?"

He nodded like he was thinking hard about something.

"Damn that's crazy but babe I'll be back I'm going to head to the trap."

I was skeptical but I didn't pay no mind to it if he knew something he would tell me.

"Okay babe love you."

He kissed my cheek a couple of times.

"Love you too babe I'll be back later tonight okay?"

"Okay babe be safe."

"Always love."

I hope everything is okay he seemed mad as fuck but I do know whoever pissed him off going to get it!

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