Babygirl is here!

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(2 months later)

Me and jazz laying in bed sleep everything been real chill lately and to be honest that shit only brought me and jazz closer who would have thought my bestfriend sister would be my wife funny how things work out. I was knocked out when i felt something wet on my shorts.

"What the fuck?"

Did this girl just be in the bed?

"Ouch." She said getting up out her sleep.

"You okay? You know you peed in the bed right?"

"No fool I'm in labor my water broke."

"Oh shit."

"Yeah oh shh..ouch.." she said wincing in pain.

"Come on ma let me help you out the bed."

She grabbed a hold to hand and i helped her out the bed.

"Wait i need to take a shower."

"Jazz your in labor right now you dont have time for that."

"I need to take one." She yelled.

"Aight fine."

She took a quick shower and i calles jay and mookie to let them know the babe was coming. About 15 mins later jazz came out and i helped her get dressed.

"You got the diaper bad and everything?" She asked.

"Yeah come on ma lets get you to the hospital."

She nodded.

I slowly helped her downstairs and into the the car. As i was driving i could tell jazz was in pain.

"How much longer babe?"

"Just 7 more mins ma and we will be there." I said rubbing her stomach.

She started to breath through the contractions and it lightened up a little bit. We pulled up to the hospital i told the nurses what was going on they wheeled her to the back and started hooking IVs and everything up to her and the baby monitor to see how the babe doing they gave her pain medicine to calm the contractions down.

"How you feeling ma?"

"A little better im ready for this baby to come out of me already." She said.

"I know babe the doctor should be in here soon."

She nodded trying to calm down.

"Well hello you too the day has finally come huh?" Dr. Cline asked.

"Yes finally." Me and jazz said.

"Well lets see how many centimeters you are dilated." She said.

"So am i ready to push doctor?" Jazz asked.

"Yes you are let me go get prepared and we can get you pushing okay?"

We nodded and she walked out for a second.


"Yeah ma."

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more."

I pecked her lips a couple of times and pulled away.

"Alright mom are you ready to push?" Dr. Cline asked.


"Okay on 3..."

Jazz pushed for about 15 mins and then finally the babe came out. Finally my other babe girl is here.

Introducing: Amiyah Ren'ee Brewster

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Introducing: Amiyah Ren'ee Brewster

Jazz pov
I just could not staring at my perfect little angel she is so adorable. Just then mookie, jay and kiari comes in.

"Hey babe girl how you feeling?"

"Tired but it was all worth it for this precious babe."

"Yeah i don't ever wanna witness labor again." Dave said.

"Man i know what you mean." Jay said shaking his head.

"Men these days." Mookie said.

"Yeah they acting like they gave birth."

"That part let me go wash my hands so I can hold her." Mookie said.

I nodded.

"Oh babe." Kiari said.

"I know this is your babysitter amiyah."

"She pretty." She said.

"Just like her big sister."

"Yey!! Just like me!" She said excited.

Me and dave couldn't help but smile.

"Okay let me see her." Mookie said picking her up.

"Aw look at uncle babe i can already tell she going to have me wrapped around her fingers."

"Man between these women we going to be broke as fuck." Dave said.

"Whatever let me see my nephew." I said to jay.

He handed me mir mir.

"Aww he so adorable i cant wait to have a boy."

"See what yall done started." Dave said chucking.

We all started laughing we just talked and talked until everyone left so it was just me and dave.

"Thank you ma." Dave said while holding amiyah.

"For what?"

"For blessing me with a daughter now i got two beautiful girls and one sexy ass wife." He said.

"Your welcome babe."

He laid the babe in her bassinet and came laid down next to me. Its crazy how life turns out to be but im glad hes in it.

Awww only one more chapter you guys😭😭😭

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