Larry One Shots

Por SatansUrDad

66K 882 702


Home Run
Love at First Click
Love Bites
Love Bites pt 2
Ballet Boy
Boats and Bikinis (gen-bend)
Corsets and Panties
Don't be Such a Tease
Milk and Cookies
Heaven and Hell
Love me or Hate me
Not our Falut
Poth or Gastel?
Tommo's Boy
One Last Time
Hold On To Me
Punk Rocker
Dear Diary
Sex Tape (NSFW)
Mango boy
Teacher Crush
Housewives (gend-bend)
The Bully (NSFW)
Sleepover (FLUFF!SHOT)
The Verge Café

Be mine, Senpai

1.2K 14 7
Por SatansUrDad

This is pure fiction and I do not wish any of this on anyone. Warning for fictional violence, this is based off of a game so please don't read if you're easily offended.

Louis was a transfer student who had instantly fallen in love with his classmate Harry. The two never talked and they definitely were never friends. Despite this, Louis knew everything about him. His full name, his age, all of his friends, his school schedule, his grades, and even his address. He knew that Harry lived alone and his daily schedule. He would do anything to get Harry to notice him. And I mean ANYTHING.

A rumor spread that Taylor was going to confess her crush on Harry. Obviously, Louis couldn't have this, so he knew what needed to be done. Everyone had to go. All three of Harry's friends, all of his acquaintances, and especially Taylor. First, he would take care of the acquaintances Kendall, Nick, Gemma, and Kasey. One by one, they all started to... no longer show up to school. Each of them kidnapped, gagged, then met a different fate. One drowned, one starved, one electrocuted, one burned.

The friends each lured to their own deaths. A suicide at the school, one still in his basement, and the other one, well, Louis doesn't like to speak of that one.

At last, that Thursday had arrived, and Taylor was the only one left. From his source, Taylor was having some... Problems with her home life. Louis thought very hard about how to use that to his advantage. At last, he knew exactly how he would get her to his basement. How he would torture her and kill her the next day after school.

A note left in Taylor's locker was all that was needed for Louis's plan to be in motion.


"Hello? You wanted to talk?" Taylor asked to presumably no one. The note in her locker said to meet on the school roof after school. There were three things that Taylor was wondering: who left this note, what did they want to talk about, and why her?

"Taylor?" A voice asked. She spun around and saw a boy. She vaguely recognized him as a face that she's seen glaring at him.

"I've seen you around, what's your name?" She asked.

"It's Louis. Not that you'll..." Louis trailed off.

"Pardon?" She asked.

"Nothing. I wanted to talk to you though. I heard about what's going on with your family. The details might be a bit botched though. Could you explain it?" Louis asked as he walked towards her. Taylor visibly paled as she thought about her dreaded home life.

"Umm, I'm sorry, Lewis, was it?"

"It's Louis." He corrected. Daft slut. Harry deserves someone who's actually intelligent. Not some dumbass who can't even remember a simple and common name such as mine. Louis thought to himself.

"Sorry. I don't think I know you well enough to tell you about that. It's nothing against you, We're just not close enough for that." Taylor said sympathetically. The sympathy was false, but the reasoning was true.

"Tay, I know you way better than you think. You can trust me." Louis smiled. Though it was barely visible, a flash of mischief mixed with... something else, entered Louis's eye and disappeared just as fast.

"Louis, don't call me Tay. Don't you find it odd that this is the first time we've spoken? I'm sorry but we're not friends." Taylor said then got up to start walking away.

"Wait! I know you better than you think!" Louis said getting up but not moving.

"Goodbye, Louis. Please don't ever do this again. Besides, what could you even know about me? We don't talk." Taylor said not turning around.

"TAYLOR ALLISON SWIFT! TURN. AROUND." Louis said in a fit of rage. Taylor came to a screeching halt and slowly turned around wide eyed.

"Excuse me? How do you even know my middle name?! Not even my friends know it!" Taylor said confused, and slightly angry.

"I told you! I know everything about you! I know you're 17, I know your birthday is on December 13, your favorite color is red, you had sushi for lunch. I know everything. I even know that you're planning to confess to Harry Styles after school tomorrow." Louis said, seething with rage at the last part.

"So, what, all of that stuff is common knowledge. Tell me something no one knows." Taylor challenged. She really has no idea what she's getting into.

"Hmm, right, I know that you're a size 20 c bra, you have 7 stuffed animals all named after boy band members, your mum is a dentist, and your dad has no job. You have a birthmark under your left boob that you're embarrassed of you have a weird fear of large stuffed animals, and you want three children; two girls and a boy." Louis listed off. 

"H-how did you know... any of that?!" Taylor asked in surprise and horror.

"I told you twice already. I know everything about you. More than the people who you call your best friends. I know more than your parents ever will and no one, I mean no one. will ever get the chance to know more." Louis said then grabbed her arm and pulled her down. 

"Aahh! What the hell are you doing?! Get off of me!" Taylor yelled.

"Shut the fuck up!" Louis hit her in the face once, twice, a third time. She stopped struggling after the third hit and Louis sat on her so she couldn't move. He reached over to his school bag and grabbed the syringe he stole from the drugstore near his house and the chemical concoction that he made using the chemistry lab.

"What is that!?" Taylor yelled starting to struggle again.

"Goodnight bitch." Louis said then stuck her with the sleeping drug he created. She fell asleep out almost immediately.


A few hours later, Louis was sitting in his room looking at pictures of Harry that he collected from social media and some that he had taken outside of school. Harry was honestly so beautiful. All of a sudden, he hears screams coming from his basement. Louis rolls his eyes and gets up, fixing his nightgown and shorts.

He went down to the kitchen and got a bottle of water, a ham and cheese sandwich, and a few chips. He didn't want her to die yet, so he might as well feed her. Taylor was still screaming for help when Louis came down the stairs. This annoyed him so much he threw the water bottle at her head so she would shut up. Taylor was tied to a pole in Louis's basement with a rope around her waist, and duct tape around her wrists and ankles.

"Taylor, no one is going to hear you. the more you scream, the more you come to getting hurt. I'm going to kill you tomorrow after school and there's not much you can do about it. Depending on how I'm feeling, you may get one last meal. If you piss me off even more than you already have, I'll make sure to torture you more than I'm already planning on." Louis explained to her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" she yelled.

"That's no way to speak to me." Louis crossed his arms and jutted out his hip.

"Go to hell you fucking bastard!" Taylor yelled and spit on Louis. Louis wiped the saliva off of his face and let out a low, humorless, and very irritated laugh.

"When will you learn, you fucking DUMB BITCH!?" Louis yelled in frustration. He kicked her in the face and punched her more than he did at the school. By the time he was done, he was pretty sure Taylor's nose was broken. She was crying and saying how she won't do it again and how sorry she was, but Louis wasn't having it.

Louis picked up the bottle and poured some of it on the sandwich to make it soggy and the rest on her head. Louis took his pocketknife from his pocket and cut the tape off of her wrists but tightened the rope around her waist.

"Eat." Louis says. Taylor quickly does as it may be her last meal. Once she's finished, Louis re-tapes her wrists and tapes her mouth and left her in the darkness. Waiting for her death. Or worse.


The next day at school, Louis cautiously approached Harry at his locker.

"Erm... Hi Harry." Louis said sheepishly. Harry turned and smiled.

"Hi... Louis, right?" Harry asked. 

"Y-yeah. Hey, do you maybe, want to get Lunch today? My treat." Louis offered.

"Umm, sure. I'll see you then?" Harry assured.

"Y-yeah. M-meet me here at lunch?" Louis blushed.

"Alright." Harry said. For a second, if you even blinked, you would have missed the twinkle in Harry's eye when he looked Louis in the eye. The bell rang and Harry waved goodbye to Louis with a smile and... dare I say it... a slight blush? No, that's ridiculous. Or is it? 

Before Louis went to class, he slipped a note asking him to meet on the roof after school. Then, as if he was on a cloud, he floated toward his first class.


At lunch, Louis and Harry go to the local café and they had coffee and sandwiches. By the end of lunch, Louis felt much closer to Harry and loved him even deeper. 

Later that day, Louis stood waiting on the roof for his love. 

"Louis?" Harry asked. Louis turned and smiled at Harry who gave a small, yet confused smile.

"Hi," he said.

"Erm, what are you doing here?" Harry asks.

"U-umm; I sent you the letter." Louis said furiously blushing.

"Oh? What did you want to talk about?" Harry said sitting on the bench near him. Louis sat next to him and blushed at the close proximity but nonetheless took a breath.

"I have to tell you something very important. I... really like you. Honestly, I... I think I'm in love with you. I don't know if you'll accept, let alone reciprocate my feelings but I really think you should know. I've liked you ever since I moved here, and I just had to get it off of my chest." Louis rushed out and blushed furiously and hung his head.

"Wow, Louis, I-I had no idea." Harry said sheepishly. 

"I'm sorry. You probably don't feel the same. You're probably not even gay. I'm so sorry for all of this." Louis hastily stood and turned to leave but Harry quickly caught his arm and looked at him with an indescribable look on his face.

"Louis, I know that we're not that close, but I do think you're cute. I may not be gay, but I am bi. I'd be willing to try dating you." Harry smiled. Louis's eyes lit up and he turned to face Harry and a humungous grin formed on his face.

"R-really?!" Louis asked excitedly. The smile on Harry's face turned into a shit eating grin. The kind that can make or break spirits; and Harry's grin was definitely breaking Louis's. All of a sudden, Harry starts laughing. "What are you laughing at?" Louis asked.

"You, you just look cute when you're excited." Harry says with a genuine smile. He stands up and brings the shorter boy in for a hug. Louis absolutely melted at the touch and hugged his new boyfriend back. Louis was absolutely elated and went home in a great mood. Taylor would be happy to know.


"Oh Tayyyyloooorrrr!" Louis yelled in a sing song voice. Taylor was asleep with dried tears on her face. Somehow, she slept through Louis's loud entry. "TAYLOR! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Louis yelled and Taylor jumped up and hit her head on the pole and groaned in pain. She tried talking but remembered that there was tape on her mouth.

Louis ripped the tape off and sat in front of Taylor cross-legged.

"So?" Taylor asked.

"I've a boyfriend now. I may be..." Louis trailed off thinking of a word to describe himself.

"A psychopath?" Taylor asks. Louis slaps her in response.

"Shut the fuck up. I was going to say... morally different. Anygay, what do you want your last meal to be?"

" I want tacos. They were my childhood favorites. My grandma used to ma-"

"Hey, shut the fuck up. I didn't ask for a whole backstory." Louis said as he placed the Chipotle order. "We eat together. Then I'll kill you." Louis said as he went upstairs to get comfortable in some old clothes that he's... used before.

I won't go into gruesome detail, but Louis stuck to his word and made sure Taylor had a quick and painless death. Louis got his Senpai, and no one would ever know what happened to Harry's friends. If anyone ever got remotely close to figuring out what Louis did, He killed them too.

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