Housewives (gend-bend)

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Chapter includes mentions of abuse, unhappy marriages, 1950's American sexism.
*Read at your own risk*

Laura Tomlinson is a pretty, young, woman in her early twenties who is married to a man named Stanley. Though she would never admit it, she didn't really love Stanley. She barely even liked him. Laura doesn't know why she decided to say yes, the day Stanley proposed. They had been together for almost eight years and Laura had a dirty secret. Laura's secret had been weighing on her for far longer than she had even known Stanley. She tries not to think about it because it stresses her out. Best not to talk about it.

Laura's POV

"Good morning, Stanley." I tell my fiancé as he walks downstairs in his robe and slippers.

"Good morning, Laura. How did you sleep last night?" He smiled. Secretly, I despised his smile. It was just extremely... traumatizing.

"I slept well, and yourself?" I lied. I barely got any sleep around him anymore. Although, it's been getting better lately.

"I'll tell you what, I slept marvelous. I had the most wonderful dream that you cooked my favorite meal for dinner, and then we had a little fun time." He wiggled his eyebrows insinuating something dirty. He always wanted sex. Even when I didn't. Especially when I didn't.

"Well, that does sound like a marvelous dream!" I hid my sarcasm.

"Heh, maybe my dream can become a reality? I'll lend you the money so you can go to the store, later. I'll even give you some extra to buy yourself a pretty new dress. Or maybe even something a bit sexy?" He flashed another smile; it made me sick. I put on the same smile I had forced for all these years.

"Maybe that could be arranged. Here, I made omelets, hashbrowns, and coffee for breakfast. Eat quick so it doesn't get cold." I handed him his plate, then his coffee just the way he liked it. I may or may not have thought about spitting in his drink, but I'm classier than that. I grabbed my own plate and tried to eat in silence, but Stanley's awful open mouth chewing made me want to sock him in this mouth.


A little later, Stanley went to work, leaving me on my own to do whatever chores needed to be done. I washed the dishes, swept and mopped the floor, and even did the laundry all before noon. As I hung up the laundry, I decided that I could go shopping now that I had finished my chores for now.

I grabbed my purse and the money that Stanley left for me and got into my automobile to head to the grocery story. I didn't feel like getting a new dress let alone anything "sexy". Instead, I would save the leftover money. When I arrived, I went to the produce isle. As I reached for a head broccoli, another hand reached out as well; the hand with bright pink nails stopped just short of the broccoli and jerked back.

"Oh- I'm so sorry!" The person said. I whipped my head around and saw a gorgeous woman. She had bright green eyes, long curly brown hair, and was wearing a light blue dress.

"No, you're fine. I love your nail polish by the way." I commented with a smile as I picked up the head of broccoli to give to the pretty woman.

"Why thank you! I love the dress you're wearing." She smiled back and gently took the vegetable from my hand.

"Thank you! You know, I don't think I've seen you around before.  Are you new to the town?" I ask her. I examined another head of broccoli as I spoke.

"Yeah! My husband and I have only been in town for about two weeks." She sounded a bit awkward about it, but I couldn't really blame her. I was the one asking a stranger about their personal life. Maybe I should have stopped. 

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