12- boyfriend and boyfriend

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Jungkook was gonna stay at jihoons house tonight. He really liked it there, they would cuddle and sometimes even more... jungkook really liked jihoon he was his first real boyfriend and jungkooks coulnt be more happy about it.

Jungkook was packing his bag for tonight, he just got some shorts and a clean shirt he also brought a pull-up nappy just in case and a dvd they wanted to see.

"Jungkook?" Hoseok walked in jungkooks small room.


"Are you gonna stay at jihoons house tonight?" Hoseok asked while he sat down on jungkooks bed.

"Yes I told you guys right?"

"Yes you did, I just wanted to talk with you about jihoon." Hoseok said.

"Ohw okay, about what?"

"Well last Time he was here i hmm heard you guys doing it... like sex." Hoseok cheeks turned a bit red even though jungkook knew Hoseok wasn't a virgin anymore.

"And well I just wanted to make sure you guys are doing it save, you can't get him pregnant but I still can get a std or something like that." Hoseok said.

"Yeah I know, and we are doing it save. We have used condoms every single time we did it." Jungkook said.

"Great! I actually needed to talk with you about this because Jin wanted too." Hoseok laughed.

"Also gave me some condoms to give to you." Hoseok threw them in jungkooks open backpack.

Hoseok and jungkook just talked a it after untill jungkook really had to leave.

When jungkook arrived at jihoons house it was around 6pm jihoons suggested to cuddle and they played with jihoons cat.

Around 7pm they ordered some pizza and jihoon went to to store real quick to get some snacks.

Jungkook looked true jihoons closed for a hoodie when he found a shoe box with 'jungkooks stuff' written on it. Jungkook opend it and saw a shirt of him and Polaroid photos of him and jihoon they had took those true their entire relationship. Jungkook looked true the photos he even found a photo of him in just a nappy and a shirt, jungkook blushed  he looked kind of cute, jihoon had written 'time for bed' under it. 

Jungkook looked true it for a bit more time and then he closed the box and got a hoodie from jihoon and laid down on jihoons bed until jihoon came back form the store.

After watching a movie and eating the pizzas and snack they got a bit tired and took a shower together.

"I love you jungkook." Jihoon said while planting a kiss on jungkooks nose.

"I love you too." Jungkook also gave jihoon a kiss.

They got out of the shower and jungkook putted his pull-up nappy on and a shirt from jihoon. Jihoon was wearing a pair of black underwear and a white shirt.

When they were laying in bed jihoon gave jungkook a hug laying his hand on jungkooks diaper butt. And after a few minutes they fell asleep.

Jungkook woke up around 9am and to his horror the pull-up he was wearing had leaked it wasn't a lot but still a very visible spot. Jihoon had already woken up and was playing a game on his phone next to jungkook. He looked up and saw that jungkook also had woken up.

"Good morning kooks, did you sleep well?" Jihoon leaned over and gave jungkook a kiss. Jungkook nodded and kissed back. Jihoon seemed to notice that jungkook was a bit uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah my pull-up kinda leaked." Jungkook confessed while he fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Ohw that's okay let's clean up, did it get on the sheets?" Jungkook nodded and moved the blankets revealing the wet spot on the sheets. Jungkook felt really bad about what happened he didn't want jihoon to see him like this it was embarrassing. Jungkooks emotions got too much and tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Ohw baby it's okay don't cry, I'm not angry it happens." Jihoon got closer to jungkook and gave him a hug. Jungkook was now sitting on jihoons thigh his wet pull-up nappy touching jihoons thigh.

"M sorry." Jungkook silently whispered.
"For what baby? It is really okay I'm not angry it was just a accident. Do you want to shower together? To make you feel better." Jungkook nodded and jihoon helped him stand up. They went into the bathroom and took a shower together. Jihoon washed jungkooks hair and body to comfort him. It worked after the shower jungkook had a bright smile on his face. Jihoon cleaned the sheets and the shirt jungkook was wearing who also got a bit wet.

Jungkook went out to the store to get some breakfast and when he got back everything was cleaned.

Jihoon and jungkook ate breakfast and then jungkook had to go home again. Jihoon brought him to the bighit building and went inside untill jungkook reached the dance practice studio. They kissed goodbye and jihoon left.

The end:) i changed it up a bit cause I didn't like how short it was, anyway I hope you like it!

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