11- relationships

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Jungkook rarely wet the bed now only when he was stressed or when something new happend like when they moved into a different house a few months ago. Then he had a few accidents at night but after he got used to the new place it stoped.

as jungkook got older he realized that he didn't like girls. First he was confused and ashamed of it but he told his Hyungs and they said that there is nothing wrong with liking the same sex and that there is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. His Hyungs supported him a 100% the same goes for his family and other friends. He even had a few dates with boys but and his first kiss was also with a male. But jungkook had never been in any serious relationships with a men. Until he met Kim jihoon. They were dating for 3 months and really got along together. The other members knew about it and were really happy to see their maknae happy in his relationship.

Kim jihoon and jungkook went on a date today. Jihoon picked jungkook up from the studio and went to the cinema. After the movie they went to their favourite restaurant to eat. And after that they went home.

Normally they didn't go to each other's homes after a date but well today was different. They went to jihoons house and relaxed a bit while they were cuddling with each other.

And well things got a bit heated and after a while they were in the middle of a kissing session. And before jungkook even knew they took off each other shirts and then jungkook stopped. He was still a virgin and it didn't really seem like a good idea.

"Jungkook? Baby are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Jihoon asked worried.

"No no you did nothing wrong it's just... I-I'm a virgin." Jungkook looked down his cheeks beat red.

"Ohw kookie it's okay, do you not want this?" Jihoon asked.

"N-no not yet, I really like you but I don't feel ready yet." Jungkook said face still a bit red.

"It's okay kookie, we can just cuddle yeah?"

"Yeah that's sound nice."

They both got comfortable and cuddled for a while untill they fell asleep.

Jungkook didn't even think about the fact that he would maybe wet the bed while sleeping over at jihoon. But well here he was wide awake his new boyfriend sleeping next to him while jungkook was sitting in a pool of his own piss.

Jungkook didn't know what to do he didn't have any clean clothes and he didn't know where the clean sheets where. So he decided to wake up jihoon even tho he didn't want to.

"J-jihoon? Please wake u-up, something h-happend."

"Jungkook?." Jihoon asked.
"Why are you awake?" Jihoon was still half asleep.

But it was soon clean what had happened when jihoon felt the soaked sheets underneath them and the wet spot on jungkooks boxers was quite visible.

"Did you pee the bed?" Jihoon asked a bit confused. Jungkook nodded. He felt tears in his eyes of embarrassment.

"I-I'm really sorry, it just sometimes happens." Jungkook looked down tears in his eyes.

"Okay, well let's clean up. It's no big deal right? It happens to everyone." Jihoon said and he got up from the bed and turned the lights on.

"Take a shower okay, I have some clean clothes for you." Jungkook stood up and jihoon walked with him to the bathroom.

"Put your clothes in this plastic bag I will wash it with the sheets." Jihoon said.

"Y-you don't need to wash the sheets."

"Why not? Do you want to sleep in your own piss?" Jihoon joked.

"N-no I just don't want you to touch my pee."

"It's okay, I really don't mind. I have a younger brother and when he stays over he wets the bed all the time, I really
Don't mind cleaning up." Jihoon said.

"thanks I thought you would be disgusted."

"Of course not! I-I really like you jungkook, and just because you wet the bed sometimes doesn't change anything for me."

Jungkooks cheeks turned red again. Jihoon liked him! Well of course he kinda knew that because they were dating for 3 months already but he was still happy that he found someone who didn't mind the bed wetting and didn't make fun of him.

"Take a shower okay. I will bring some clean clothes." Jihoon said before giving jungkook a quick hug and then he walked away to wash the sheets.

After the shower jungkook puts on the clean clothes that jihoon gave him. A pair of black underwear and a shirt of jihoon what was oversized on jungkooks body. Even though jihoon wasn't much taller Than jungkook he did have wider shoulders and some more muscles.

Jungkook walked out of the shower and saw the bed all clean, and he heard the washing machine. Jihoon came back walking in the room.

"Should we sleep again?" Jihoon asked. "It's already 6am but I think we have all the time to sleep a bit more right?" Jungkook nodded and they slept a bit more.

When jungkook went home the next morning he told Jin everything that happend the day before. Jungkook also told him the bed wetting part. And Jin said that he was proud of jungkook.

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