1- the start

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After a few weeks of living whit bts jungkook 15-year-old jungkook starts to wet the bed.

After living with bts for 5 weeks jungkook starts to feel more comfortable and home around the boys and in the dorm.

Jungkook was still a little bit shy but he started to feel more safe with the boys and he started to feel more at home.

"Okay guys we are done!" Everyone sighed in relief when dance practice was finally done. They all stumbled to the locker rooms to shower.

They always showered at dance practice because in the dorm they had only one shower and they were with seven boys.

Jungkook felt his cheeks burn red when everyone was undressing and starting to shower. Jungkook was the only one who didn't shower at the dance practice. The others teased him for it, but they were already at the end or reaching the ends of puberty. Unlike Jungkook, who was quite a late bloomer on top of that.
Jungkook just put on some clean clothes and waited for the others so he could go home. Finally, everyone was done with showering and they headed to the van.

——-time skip——

It was in the middle of the night when jungkook woke up.  At first, he was confused about what had happened but then he felt the cold wet feeling between his legs. He had wet the bed.

A wave of embarrassment hit him, he quickly looked around the room and saw everyone asleep they were probably tired from dance practice.

Jungkook was thankful he had his own bed, next to the bunkbeds. Imagine if he'd soaked through the top bunk and it ended up leaking onto the unfortunate person below? The maknae felt ill at the thought.

He quickly removed the sheets from the bed and walked as quiet as he could out of the room whit his wets sheets. He put the wet sheet and clothes in the washer and turned it on praying the members didn't hear it.

The maknae put on a new pair of boxers and shorts and started to look for clean sheets. He had no idea where it could be so he looked for about 30 minutes when he finally found them in a big closet. He put the new sheets on and tried to sleep again.

—the next morning—

Jungkook woke up when he heard the alarm clock of jin go off. He quickly got up to get his sheets and clothes form the washer. When he took them out he put him in the dryer with some other clothes. Then he just got ready for the day with the other members.

He thought that it was just a one-night thing and that it didn't happen again.......he hoped so.

This was the first part:) I hope you all like it and please vote and comment if you liked it.

Also sorry if I made any mistakes English isn't my first language so it's a bit hard to write.

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