10- stress

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Jungkook hadn't thought about the bedwetting it hadn't happened in a while and he was way to stressed to even think about something else than the comeback and the new dance they had to learn.

"Jungkook! Try harder even Jin dances better than you!" The dance teacher was yelling at jungkook again. Jungkook just had a really hard time learning this dance.

When they finally had a break jungkook laid down on the floor exhausted form all the dancing and the lack of sleep. 

"Jungkook! Stop being lazy and practice more on the dance!" The dance teacher yelled at jungkook.

Jungkook mumbled a sorry and stood up to dance again. The other members didn't notice how tired jungkook looked.

Around 3am jungkook finally fell asleep. He had danced untill 1am and he couldn't sleep and now he luckily had fell asleep.

He woke up around 5am he looked around confused. He thought that he was just sweating a lot but then he quickly realised that something else had happend. He had wet the bed. It was probably the first time in a year and jungkook felt tears welling up in his eyes.

Jungkook tried to be as quiet as possible while he climbed out of his bed and slid his socked underwear of and replaced and then put on a new pair. Jungkook stripped his sheets and left his room as quite as possible. He decided to wash the dirty sheets and clothes now so his hyungs would not find out.

When jungkook had put everything in the washing machine he laid down on the couch and started to cry softly mostly because he was so embarrassed about what had happend but also because of the stress. Jungkook was so tired form dancing and crying that he fell asleep in the couch.

Namjoon went down first in the morning.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon sat down next to jungkook who was still asleep.

"Jungkookie? Wake up." Namjoon said while jungkook slowly woke up.

"Good morning kookie, why are you sleeping here?" Namjoon asked.

And then jungkook remembered what had happend and started to cry.

Namjoon didn't ask anything and just lifted the younger male in his lap to comfort him.

"I-I had w-wet the bed." Jungkook cried.

"Ohw baby it's okay, why are you crying about that?"

"I don't know I-I hadn't happend in so long a-and I was just disappointed." Jungkook burried his head in namjoons shoulder.

"Why would I be disappointed? You have been doing so so good with bed wetting and it completely stoped for a year, one accident can happen. And you also have been really stressed recently, right?"


"It's okay kooks it really is." Namjoon comforted him.

"Let's eat breakfast. Did you wash your sheets?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah they are in the washing machine."

"Okay I will get them out."

Namjoon and jungkook ate breakfast and carried on with their day like normal.

Only a few accidents happend after the first one and when the stress got less it stopped again.

The end:) sorry for not updating for so long. I hope you all liked this, and don't worry I have a lot of ideas for this book so it will not end soon.

Also it you have time can you mabey check out my other books because they get less attention than this one.

Stay save!

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