15- the doctor... again

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The last time jungkook went to the docter for his bed wetting was when he was 15 he didn't went to the doctor after that. He tought it was too embarrassing and he was scared that information would leak because they are more famous now, and he didn't want anyone more to know that he still wet the bed in his twenties.

But namjoon had suggested to go to the doctors again to look if there was an way to solve the bed wetting. Jungkook had said no multiple times he really was embarrassed by the problem, he did want it to stop ofcourse but he was too embarrassed to go. Untill he had a 'talk' with the Hyung line. They had told him that doctors seen more problems like this and that he wasn't the only one that still wet the bed. That gave jungkook a bit more confidence. He was still scared and embarrassed to go but he made an appointment anyway.

"Jungkook!" It was hoseok who was yelling too the maknae to wake up. Jungkook had to go the doctor appointment today and he had to wake up. Jungkook was still sitting on his bed he was already dressed and ready to go but he was really nervous he was looking at his room rethinking if he should go. He stood up and looked in the mirror in the reflection he saw the package of pull-ups and diapers under his bed. He hid them there but he hadn't cleaned them up when Jimin had bought new ones. Jungkook really was embarrassed about the bed wetting and he was scared that other people were disgusted with him, especially his boyfriend. Jungkook slept over a lot and he wold wear diapers or pull-ups every time he was there. What if jihoon was disgusted with him and wanted to break up with him. Jungkook thought about that a lot even though he knew that jihoon didn't mind the bed wetting. They had talked about that already and it comforted jungkook a bit but the thoughts would come back sometimes.

"JUNGKOOK!!!" Hoseok yelled again.

Jungkook took a deep breath in and out he picked up his bag a mask and a bucket hat to hide his identity. And walked to the living room. Hoseok was sitting there with Jin hoseok was looking a bit annoyed.

"Finally, are you ready to go?" Hoseok asked. Jungkook nodded and put his hat and mask on. Jin and hoseok were going together with him even tho they couldn't join him in the doctors room. He was older than 18 now and he had to go alone.

When they arrived at the hospital they waited in the car cause they were a bit too early.
"Are you nervous kookie?" Jin asked the younger male.

"Yeah kinda, it will be okay I guess."

"It will be alright, we will get some ice cream after to celebrate." Jin said cheering the maknae up a bit.

"You need to go now you don't want to be late!" Hoseok said, jungkook put on his bucket had and mask and left the car.

"Good luck kookie!" Jin yelled after him jungkook waved and walked to the hospital.

He checked in and sat down in the waiting room. After a few minutes a middle aged man walked in.

"Jeon jungkook?" He called. Jungkook stood up and walked with the man to a doctors office.

Jungkook took of his coat and sat down.

"Okay so I heard you have been experiencing night time wetting?" The doctor asks. Jungkook nods being still a bit embarrassed to talk.

"Okay I'm going to ask you some questions and then we will do some exams." The doctor explains. Jungkook nods again.

"Okay so first how long has this problem been going on?"

"Since I was 15 so 5 years."

"Okay and you have been to the doctor before right?"

"Yeah, it went a bit better after that but it just went downhill again after a few months." Jungkook answered the doctor typed some stuff into the computer.

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