Chapter 28

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Dabi's POV

   Well that just happened. I just said that. I just said that and all she's doing is staring.

I swallow thickly, trying to get rid of the dry feeling in my throat. Anxiety that I didn't know I had set in hard as my heart began to try and force it's way out of my chest "Look I-"

"I love you too Dabi." She cut me off as she tackled me back into the bed. We stayed like that for a while, just curled around each other in a blissful warmth.

I began to think about everything. How dangerous all of this could be. Yeah heroes were shit, but villainy had its own downsides too. Y/N wasn't prepared for any of it, and she was just thrown into it all because the big man saw a weakness and exploited it.

I know she loves the people here, but what's going to happen when she realizes she's not going to be able to be with her little hero friends anymore? They honestly didn't seem that bad anyways, and Shoto seemed like he's doing fine. Maybe the newer generation of heroes is going to be different, and she's going to regret everything.

Looking back on how simple and stress free things were when I shirked work those few days... no crimes, no dirty work, just normal life with a normal girl. I'm starting to think that maybe the middle ground is the best place to be in all this.

A knock on the door shakes me from my thoughts as I hear an energetic voice that could only belong to the blonde psychopath. "Hey, Shiggy says he needs everyone in the barroom for a mission briefing right now. Better hurry!"

I hear her bounce off as the head of H/C hair in my arms stirs and moves to sit up. We both stretch out our muscles and pull ourselves out of bed to redress.

It's not unusual to have a briefing late, but this late? It must be important... or it's going to be a suicide mission and Shigaraki wants us all to know ASAP. I've got a bad feeling about this.


Everyone has gathered in the small bar area, waiting for Shigaraki to tell us what our next move is. The looming feeling of dread had settled in the pit of my stomach as I held Y/N in my lap on the couch.

He finally broke the silence. "We are going to be attacking UA, specifically class 1-A. Master says the heroes training there are too much of a threat to let them get any closer to becoming pros." He started.

The sick feeling in my stomach knotted as I felt Y/N tense in my arms. I give her a reassuring squeeze, but I know I can't help how upset she probably is right now.

"And our newbie here has ties to the school, even a few of the trainees in the target class." He looks to Y/N, even I can see how much he hates what he's about to say next. They all know her story, they all know how terrible this is. None of us can say no to the big boss though, we all owe him our lives and he won't hesitate to cash in on that.

"Y/N you're going to be going back to gather some intel. And we'll need you to act as normal as you can. If anything happens, toga will be close by, just say the word and she'll be right there. I'll give you more details in the morning." His voice was strained, it was unusual seeing Shigaraki emotional. I'm sure seeing the look on the face of the girl in my lap was heartbreaking, I was terrified of what I'd see if she turned around.

"The rest of you will be staying out of sight until she can get the information we need. Y/N, you'll be heading back tomorrow afternoon." And with that, he got up and walked to his room, closing the door so gently that even in the silence we almost didn't hear it.

Everyone else left to their rooms or through one of the portals Kurogiri had opened. It was just me and the H/C-ette left and the silence was deafening. I took a deep breath and kissed the back of her head. "It's going to be alright babydoll, I promise." I whispered.

She turned around, eyes filled with tears that threatened to fall any second, her face was pale as her breathing came out slow but shaky. She furrowed her brows as she locked her E/C orbs to mine.

"How exactly is this going to be alright Dabi?" She yelled. "I just got told I'm going to have to help possibly kill the only people that were there for me through everything." She took a deep breath before continuing, "what would happen if I refuse?"

I put my hand over her mouth, not sure if the big man was listening through the TV across the room or not. "You don't want to find out." I said lowly, hoping she'd understand how serious my words were.

The tears in her eyes finally began to fall as she silently cried into my chest. I picked her up bridal style, whispering that it was going to be alright.

I laid her down on her bed after closing and locking the door, scooting in beside her and pulling the covers up before wrapping her in a protective embrace. "I'm going to make sure everything turns out alright, ok? Don't worry about anything, just get the information Shigaraki wants. It's going to be ok. Ssssshh."

She nodded against my chest as I stroked her hair. Her breathing eventually steadied and soon after turned to small, quiet snoring.

I carefully, reluctantly, pulled myself from around her sleeping form being sure not to wake her up. I made my way out of her room quietly and headed to the entrance of the bar.

"Where do you think you're going? I told everyone to lay low." The raspy voice of Shigaraki rang out.

"I need some air, I'm not going to go far." I lied as I opened the door and made my exit, heading straight toward the city. I only had one real option, I just hoped it plays out like I want it to.

Please let this fucking work...


So. I'm sorry about this chapter. I honestly really hate it, but there were so many of you in my messages demanding and telling me I needed to update now instead of when I'm in a better headspace.

The holidays are hard on me and I've been in a seriously deep depression.

This is what you get you badgering, you get Poor quality writing.

I'm sorry to those of you that actually appreciate my stuff and haven't been pushing me for anything and have been patient or have asked nicely about updates. I will be writing something great for just you guys in mind. I appreciate the heck out of you for your patience and understanding.

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