Chapter 31

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   It's been a couple days, nothing has really happened, still no word from Dabi either. I've started going to class again and nobody has brought up anything. I haven't even seen Bakugo since that first day. I've settled in nicely, but today was the day I planned to slip in and get those files.

   The office they're in is usually empty and they keep it locked, but I had a pretty good idea on how to fix that problem. I was a nervous wreck though, I'm not good at lying. I took a deep breath as I knock on the door of the room in question.

   "Come in." Says a gruff and tired voice.

   I turn the handle and open the door to see a frustrated Aizawa looking through some papers. Of course it had to be the most intimidating teacher on campus, just my luck.

   Biting back the urge to cry, I went ahead with my plan. I shifted my body to lean against the doorframe, arms behind my back. "Um, I was just wondering what papers I'd have to do to get into the hero course next semester. If that's even possible."

   He didn't look up from his papers as he answered, giving me more than enough room to get the crumbled piece of paper into the hole where the latch would lock into place without it being noticed right away. "You'd have to talk to Nezu about that, kid."

   " I would but I have no idea where he is, he isn't in his office." I lied.

   "He's probably roaming around campus somewhere." Aizawa sighs as he puts his papers down and stands up. "I'll go find him. You head to his office and I'll bring him to you." He walks out of the room and motions for me to step away as he closes the door and lock it back up. I nod and turn in the direction of Nezu's office as he goes the opposite direction. I slowly walk until I look back and see he's gone.

   Scurrying back to the office door quietly to see if it worked. I smile as it opens with a small tug. I look around to see if anyone can see as I slip into the room and close the door behind me.

   I glance around, knowing I don't have a lot of time, I spot the label on one of the filing cabinets labeled 'Students'. Sifting through them I grab the few files I was asked to, the guilt bubbling up in my chest as I picked up Izuku's file. Next was the teachers folders, I was able to get a few, but one of the drawers to the cabinets was locked. I only needed almight's file, and I bet it was in there. I needed to hurry though.

   I left that alone for now and began searching for anything on the training camp Izu had mentioned. After opening a drawer in one of the desks, I found it. The folder had the scheduled dates and names of everyone who was going. Surprisingly there weren't very many pros going.

   Deciding I got as much as I could, I neatly stuffed everything into my bag and went to leave the room. I peaked out the door as I pushed it open. Seeing the coast was clear, I took the piece of paper from the latch and closed the door behind me. I gave it a tug to make sure it had locked properly, which it did.

   I shot a quick text to Kurogiri saying that I got everything aside from all nights files. Not paying attention I bumped into a very solid chest, almost stumbling over.

   "Sorry I'm just really clumsy. I-" looking up as I steady myself to not fall I'm met with those crimson eyes again, and he looks pissed. My face falls, looking around to see that the halls were still empty. I wasn't getting out of it this time.

   "We need to talk, and you aren't running away this time." His gruff voice chimes up.

   I shake my head, glaring back, "there's nothing to talk about. I've moved on and I'm over it."

   "Well I'm not over it." He barks, making me pause. My head tilts to the side, brows pinched in confusion. He takes that as a sign to continue. "Listen, I didn't mean for any of what happened to actually happen."

   My forehead creased, was he trying to apologize? "Listen I-" I tried to say, but was interrupted.

   "Would you just let me fucking talk?!" He shouts before grumbling and taking a breath. He's obviously going to make me listen to him wether I want to or not, best I just get it over with.

   "After you told me everything, I just couldn't look at you the same. I didn't hate you, I just... fell out of love. It was hard to process all that. And Ochako was there to help me sort my mind out, I was going to break it off with you before anything happened between us. I swear I was!" He took a shaky breath before continuing. "But I didn't want to hurt you, and things just happened. And then you hit me and I lost my shit. I didn't mean to air your past out to the whole school and I hate that I lost control like that. And then I heard what happened that day a couple weeks after you left campus..."

   I stand there silently, watching all these emotions flash across his face as his eyes gloss over and fill with tears. "I'm so sorry I did this to you Y/N. I'm not asking you to forgive me, I just needed you to know that I never meant to do this to you." He clears his throat and. Wipes a stray tear from under his eyes.

   What he did was unforgivable, and I'm not about to forgive him, but he was more genuine than I'd ever seen him. I gave him a soft smile and pat his upper arm in an effort to comfort him. His eyes snapped to mine, surprise painting his expression. "I told you I've moved on, I've found someone that makes me happy and so have you. Let's just put it behind us now ok?" I pulled him into a gentle hug, thankful for the closure he's given me as he hesitates a moment to hug back. "Time for us to really let it go."

   We pulled away from each other as he huffs, training his eyes back on me with a glare. "You tell anyone I cried though, you're gonna have hell to pay." He says with a sniffle.

   I can't help but laugh, "I wouldn't dream of it. I've got to go though. You take care Katsuki." We both head our seperate ways. I get back to my room feeling better, but also worse.

   I was totally prepared to let whatever the league was planning happen to Katsuki, but now I don't. Now there isn't anyone in the stack of files in my bag that I want getting hurt.

"How am I going to actually go through with this?"

Not a Monster (Dabi x Reader)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now