Chapter 3

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Honestly I didn't expect to see him here, let alone that he'd remember me. I mean, it's been over ten years.
But here we are, his fist tightly gripped the collar of my uniform while he yelled in my face, demanding an explanation.
His interrogation was cut short by the classroom door opening again. His head snapped up towards the disturbance.
"You've got to be fucking ki-I HAVE TO BE STUCK IN A CLASS WITH YOU AGAIN, DEKU?!!" He drops me and walks off to his desk with a click of his tongue. Wait...

"Deku?" I mutter as I turn to see that sweet freckled, green haired boy "Y-Y/N??!" He stutters in disbelief , his eyes as wide as dinner plates when he sees me. "I-it's been so long!" He rushes over to pull me into a tight hug, burying his face into my shoulder with a sniffle "I-I've missed you so much N/N" he mumbles, almost too quiet for me to hear.

I was back...

As school went on, I got settled pretty quick. It helped that I had the boys. Katsuki was a bit more violent than he used to be, but he was still the same Kacchan I remember underneath all that explosive anger.

When it was just the two of us he seemed to soften up a bit, which I honestly didn't think was possible. I kind of figured his face just got stuck the way he always glared and scowled at everything.

It was also obvious that him and Izuku weren't on good terms anymore. I tried asking, but neither would give me an answer. It wasn't really my business anyways, so I decided to drop it and not pry.
I made it a point to still spend time with them, not letting their fued get in the way of how much I loved the two boneheads. Separately though, of course. The two in close proximity to each it her was dangerous, we were lucky Katsuki hadn't blown the classroom to pieces yet as it was.
I even made a few other friends in class as well. It was nice.

I stuck with Katsuki most of the time though...

We were at Katsuki's house. I was just laying on his bed, resting on my elbows as I scrolled on my phone. We were on a small break since our finals were finally over.
I felt the bed sink beside me as he took a seat on the edge. I look up to the always angry blonde to see that his usually harsh and sharp features were softened. He was looking right at me with an ever so slight flush of pink across his cheeks... wait what??

Over the school year I'd seen parts of him that made my heart flutter. Like his passion and intelligence, how his anger hid someone who actually thinks pretty deeply and cares. he just isn't the best at expressing his emotions. How thoughtful he was, although I figured out that that was something only I got to see.
And on the flip side I was the only person that could calm him down when he raged, or soften him up so I could get my way when I asked for favors.
He was still an ass, don't get me wrong. He still hurled insults at me when I annoyed him, we still bickered constantly, he was always yelling at me about SOMETHING. contrary to popular belief though, it was never malicious. Like I said, he just didn't know how to express himself. It was kind of adorable.

"Dumbass! Are you just going to stare at me like a damn idiot or are you going to answer me?!" I snapped out of my thoughts to an angrily embarrassed Katsuki.
"Wh-what? What was the question?" I stuttered sheepishly, embarrassed that I'd been caught daydreaming. He stared at me, completely dumbfounded, as the blush on his face deepened and spread to his ears "are you fucki- I asked you to be my goddamn girlfriend, STUPID" he spat before turning away, completely embarrassed that he had to repeat himself like that.

I remember how ridiculously happy that question made me. A grin stretching across my face before I moved to tackle him into a hug, showering his face with kisses. His flustered shouts for me to stop were coupled with a small soft smile that turned into a smirk as I pressed my lips to his.

Of course I said yes...

   Second year started and things were great. My relationship with Katsuki was going well. Izuku was still my very best friend, much to my angry blonde boy's dismay. I had also made friends with the rest of the class. They were all pretty cool people. Aside from the short one, Mineta, I think. I shudder just thinking about that perverted little cretin.

   I was even still keeping up with my training pretty easily. Therapy was fine too. I had managed to blow off questions about my gloves saying my mom was a little germaphobic since my dad had passed after catching a virus. I felt bad lying to everyone, but it was the only choice I had.

Katsuki was my first for everything. I even opened up to him about my struggles with anxiety and depression. He was also the first to see the aftermath of my self harm.
   I remember he was stone faced when I showed him, his jaw would flex as he clenched his teeth looking over the scars. All he did was gently cup my face with his hands and kissed me. Softly at first, but it quickly turned heated and passionate. Since mom wasn't home, I ended up losing my virginity that day.
   He was surprisingly gentle. Treating me as if I'd break had he made a wrong move. That is until moans started slipping passed my lips underneath him. Although he was still careful not to hurt me, asking if I'm alright every so often.

   I'll never forget the look he gave me afterward. There was so much love there...

   At the end of our third year, he took me to dinner to celebrate graduation. I hadn't expected to see his parents and my mom there though, along with all our friends. He even swallowed his pride and invited Izuku.
  I couldn't hide how happy I was as a big toothy smile spread from cheek to cheek.
   That's when he took my hand and leaned in to whisper softly into my ear, "Babe, this isn't just a graduation party" he leaned back and looked down at me, my E/C orbs meeting his ruby red ones. A look of puzzlement plastered onto my face as I looked down and watched him pull out a little box from his jacket pocket.

   I looked around as I hear gasps from beside us, everyone's eyes were wide with surprise. They didn't have a clue either. Wow.
"Would your dumbass please marry me" it came out as more of a statement than a question as a blush played out on his face, to which I playfully rolled my eyes before happy tears slipped down my face. I nodded eagerly and gave him my hand. Unable to speak without my voice shaking.
   Cheers erupted from our loved ones.

   Words couldn't describe how happy I was...

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