Chapter 30

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As I walked through the gates and courtyard to the main building, I felt the stares. I'm sure everyone in the school knew about me and my past by now, it had been months. Surprisingly though, I didn't feel the anxiety and dread I thought I would. There was no none, not even a sense of danger, and I was sure if I saw the those crimson eyes that I would be fine. It was a nice realization honestly, I felt light and free now.

   I made my way to the dean's office, knocking softly. "Come in." Nezu's cheerful voice called from the other side.

   I opened the doors and walked in, a genuine smile on my face. "Long time no see, sir." I said before slightly bowing.

   "Ms. L/N! So nice to see you. What bring you here today?" He chimes, folding his hands in front of him on his desk.

  "I'm actually here to re-enroll. I'm ready to come back." I smiled

   We got to work on the papers to re-enroll me. I even got my own dorm room. I'd start classes back up tomorrow, and I'd start on getting the information I need and getting back home.

   After everything was finalized and finished, I decided to make my way over to Izuku's place. I hadn't been able to keep in touch while at the LOV and I missed my boys so much. I jogged my way to their dorm with a smile on my face.

   I was about to enter the elevator to go up to their floor when my arm was grabbed and I was yanked back, my eyes locking with ruby red as I turned around. "Where have you been?" He barked.

   Not being in the mood to deal with him, I yanked my arm from his grasp with a scowl, "it's none of your business. Now I want to go see my friends, so if you'll excuse me-"

   Katsuki went to grab me again with his usual angry expression painted across his face when someone stepped in between us. "Leave her alone Bakugo, she doesn't want to talk to you."

   I looked up to see that messy lavender hair I've grown to love. He gave me a smirk and a wink, "let's go, Izu is going to be excited you're here."

   He ushered me into the elevator, I looked back and saw the blonde's eyes flash with sadness as the doors closed. I heave a sigh and smiled up at Shinsou, not really worried about it. "Thanks for the save Hito."

   When I walked in Hitoshi put a finger up to his lips signaling me to stay quiet. "Mido, baby I'm home." He grinned, stepping in front of me. His broad stature hiding me pretty well.

   "Baby~" I hear the familiar squeak of my favorite greenette as arms wrap around shinso. I can't help but snicker.

   "How was your- what was that? Did you bring company?" He peaks his head over Hitoshi's shoulder with a raised eyebrow.

   I watch as his eyes dart around the features of my face before his expression lights up. He quickly lets go of Shinsou and pushes him out of the way to wrap me up in a rib crushing. "OHMYGODY/N!!"

   " I... missed you... too... can't breathe izu... can't breathe..." I sputtered out as I felt the air leave my lungs.

   His insomniac boyfriend was just standing there chuckling as he watched. "I had to save her from Boomboom McJerkface on my way in from class."

   He let me go and held me by the shoulders, looking into my eyes worriedly as I gasped for air. " you're ok right? He didn't hurt you did he?"

   I shook my head with a smile, "no I'm fine, I promise."

   He grinned and nodded happily, "I'm making lunch right now, Sho said he has an extra class so he won't be here. You can have his." Says the cheerful boy in front of me.

   We made our way to the kitchen area and made our plates. We sat down and caught up, I felt bad having to lie so much, but I knew I couldn't tell them the truth. I'd told them that work was going fine, I didn't have to lie much about my relationship with Dabi though.

   The boys had both managed to pass their recent exams and were looking forward to their provisional licensing testing in a few months. Shoto had apparently started to open up a bit more too, he's a goofy drunk from the sounds of it.

"All of us in the hero courses have to head out to a training camp next weekend." Izuku's excitement was obvious. He always loved chances to better himself in any aspect.

This was probably a good piece of information to dig around on. As much as I hated what I was here to do, I didn't have much of a choice. Maybe I could slip a warning to them before I had to leave and they would be alright. I don't even know what I'm gathering this information for.

I got lost in my head for a moment and the anxiety my thoughts brought must have been evident on my face. "You ok there N/N?" Hitoshi asks, brow raised.

I shake the Thea in if though from my mind and give them both a smile. "Yeah, it's just weird being back, ya know?" It wasn't a lie, it really was strange to be back on campus where everything went to shit. I felt oddly detached from those memories though. They both nod in understanding before continuing the conversations and laughs.

Soon it's time for them to head back to class so I take my leave, heading to find my new room for the time being. I get there and walk in. All the necessities here, I'll just need to bring some clothes over.

I plop down onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling as I go through what I need to do. I need to get into the file room and find something useful on the training camp. I also need to get the student files and a couple files on a few pros teaching here. I breathe a long sigh.

I can feel the weight of my mission starting to crush me again. I never wanted to do this. I was promised that I'd only ever have to heal members of the league that got injured in exchange for that awful quirk being taken away. That man lied to me, and I should have seen that coming. Things were just too good to be true, but I needed that deal so bad.

From the way Dabi shushed me when I tried to turn this all down, I know he was serious when he said I didn't want to know what would happen. I know I don't have a choice. I still hadn't heard back from my scarred lover either. So I let myself cry it out, again, alone.

Dabi, where did you go? I need you...


The story is close to the end now guys. Just a few more chapters ^^

I'll post the Q&A after reaching 10k reads which will be very soon :)

Not a Monster (Dabi x Reader)*COMPLETED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang