Chapter 6

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   It had been about a week. I had gotten into the habit of covering the scars on my face with makeup, even if I didn't plan to leave the apartment that day. They weren't too raised or noticeable, but I knew they were there. It had become a bit of an insecurity of mine.

  I had also tried to get back into the swing of school after a couple days, but there were still whispers. My old group of friends still avoided me like the plague, much like anyone who recognized me. The glares never stopped either. And then I'd gotten a small glimpse of the blonde I'd thought of as my everything for so long in the halls, with his new little brunette girlfriend. I can't deny that she was cute, and adorably bubbly.

   I discretely turned on my heel without being noticed and made my way back to my bed in Izu's apartment. Silent tears fell as I curled into myself.

   This was hard. It became too hard to go to classes, I could barely manage a trip off campus to the grocery store without someone hurling nasty names at me before I made it out of the gates.

   Later in the week I went to my first appointment with my new therapist. It had been a while since I'd seen one, so We went over my whole life's story up to this point, she listened intently. Every once in a while she'd scribble something down but I never really cared to ask about any of it back in the day, didn't care now either.

   "Maybe it would be beneficial to take a break from studies to concentrate on recovery, get out of such familiar surroundings," she suggested, her soft blue eyes catching mine. "New town, new faces, new start. Work on healing, away from things that might hold you back, and worry about studies when you're better suited to retain what you learn."

   I looked at my folded hands resting in my lap, deep in thought. I did have the savings dad left me in his will. I could get a place and have a couple months to find a job. I promised to only use the money in emergency situations, but surely this was important enough.

   The thought of being alone with myself was terrifying, but she was right. It would be a lot healthier for me to take some time to get away from everything and start fresh somewhere. I could move somewhere close by, so I could still see her, and so I could still see my green and purple haired duo.

   I nodded as I look up to meet her calm gaze, determined to move on and find normalcy again.

   "That might be a good idea," a small smile appeared on my face. One of relief, knowing that I wouldn't be stuck under the suffocating glares of everyone on campus.

  When I got back to campus, I went straight to Dean Nezu's office to unenroll and inform him of my plans to move. Knowing the situation, he gave me a smile and told me I was welcome back whenever I felt ready.

   After getting to the apartment, I text my roommates asking them what they wanted for dinner. I had decided to break the news to them with a home cooked meal as they settled on simple spaghetti and garlic bread. While I waited for the right time to start cooking I hopped online to look for apartments or even small houses I could rent that weren't too far away from here. I even emailed a few places to schedule some walkthroughs and check things out.

   As it came time to cook, I found myself surprisingly calm. I'd even go as far to say I was relaxed. It really was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, the emotions and thoughts I'd been pushing down and keeping bottled up my whole life had finally released. Having a clear plan to move forward also helped bring a previously unknown peace to my mind. I took a deep breath as a genuine smile tugged at the corners of my lips. The first one in what felt like forever.

   The door opened just as I had finished making plates for the three of us and placed them in the table. The two walking hand in hand as the shorter boys emerald eyes closed while he sniffed the air, a satisfied sigh leaving his lungs before opening them again. Earning a chuckle from the always sleepy looking lover beside him.

   Looking at the love they expressed as the shorter of the two blushed bashfully while the other just shook his head playfully. Izuku would be fine. He'll be taken care of and they can visit whenever they felt like it when I move.

   I smile happily as we all take our seats. Then thanking me for the meal before eagerly digging in. "I guess the hero course really is rough" I think to myself, silently giggling at the two ravenous eaters in front of me as I take a bite.

   We talk about how our days went. Izuku having been a ball of nerves after someone pointed out the love mark that peaked out ever so slightly from the collar of his shirt, shinso having had a fairly boring day with his disinterested and antisocial ways.

   I noticed they'd slowed down eating, and I chose this time to clear my throat to get their attention. I took a deep breath, steeling my nerves before glancing at the both of them.

   "So, I've got some news," I start. Their curiosity showing plainly on their faces. "I spoke to my therapist today. We thought that it would be a good idea to take a break from school to focus more on myself," I cleared my throat again, my mouth drying from nervousness. I watched as the curiosity in their faces turned to something unreadable.

"She thinks it's best for me to move somewhere I can start over- oh not too far though! I'll be close enough to still see her and for you two to be able to come see me easily. It'll be a fresh start away from all the bad memories though." My gaze falls to the table, waiting for their reactions.

    I gasp as I feel myself being wrapped into a hug from behind my chair. I hadn't noticed either of them leave their seats.

   I look up as another hand ruffles my hair affectionately. My E/C eyes meeting a pair of softened amethyst orbs. Realizing Izuku was the one hugging me, I lift my hand to pat his arm comfortingly as I hear a sniffle.

   "Y-you said not too far right?" Another sniffle. "So we really can visit, r-right?"

   I stand up and swivel around to return his hug, my vision blurring as tears threatened to fall. I really hated it when my green haired ball of sunshine cried. " well DUH. Of course you two will be able to visit." I chuckled.

   He responds by burying his face in the crook of my neck before taking a deep calming breath and stepping back, his eyes puffy as a wide toothy grin stretches from ear to ear, "Okay! As long as you aren't going to disappear again." He says, relief filling his voice as he wiped away the tears left on his cheeks with his sleeves.

   I giggled and hugged the both of them, "of course not. No more disappearing," I whispered the promise to them, feeling them relax.

It's time to start moving on...

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