Chapter 16

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Dabi's POV

   I ended up being right. She wasn't as ok as she thought, but she wasn't completely breaking down like she had either. It came and went in waves. She'd be alright for a while and then she'd get lost in her head and would cry as I held her for a bit. Luckily she's been stable today. I'm honestly really glad she let me stay.

She was currently curled up in my arms, her back to my chest while we watched some stupidly funny comedy about a group of dudes that got drunk at a bachelor party.

"Hey, Dabs. Can I ask you something and you be totally honest?" I cock an eyebrow in curiosity and look down at her. She was still focused on the TV, but her tone sounded more on the serious side.

"Well yeah? Shoot" I say, a little worried. She's hardly ever serious.

She hesitates for a second as an almost unnoticeable pink spreads across her face. "Uh-well-" she stops herself short and pauses.

'Why is she acting so off right now?' I wonder to myself.

"What do you think about pineapple on pizza?!" She blurts out rather loudly.

I'm completely dumbfounded. There's absolutely no way that's what had her silently freaking out the way she was. 'Oooooh I see what's happening here' I chuckle to myself.

"I don't mind it. It's not the worst combination out there" I say as I watch her relax and let out a soft breath. 'She obviously thinks I'm gonna let this go' I think as a mischievous smirk tugs at the side of my lips. I hold her tight, discreetly making sure she has no way to wiggle away from me, and rest my chin on top of her head. " so what was the real question?" I deadpanned, successfully hiding my amusement.

She tensed and shook her head "That was the real question, you dork" she said, playfully elbowing me in the ribs.

My smirk widens into a grin 'game on Doll'

I lean down, nuzzling into her neck before shifting to whisper right into her ear, "we both know that's not the truth." she gulps, keeping her eyes trained onto the movie in front of us. I silently laugh sending huffs of air passed her ear causing her to shiver. "You know, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I'm going to figure out what had you so flustered that you chickened out. Take your pick." I nuzzle my cheek against her neck playfully.

She starts to wiggle around in my arms in an attempt to escape, but I had a secure grip around her waist. "All you gotta do is be honest and ask the real question Doll, that's it."

She shakes her head again " it's seriously nothing," she pleads.

"If it were nothing, you wouldn't be trying so hard to keep it to yourself." I whisper again before playfully nipping at her earlobe. Earning a small, adorable squeak as her struggle to escape my hold intensifies.

"Alright. Hard way it is" I grin. "Just remember that I gave you a choice," a evil chuckle slipped out of my throat as I shift my arms around her waist, positioning my hands just right to gently dig my fingers into her sides.

She yelps and immediately erupts into fits of laughter as I tickle her. "ST-STOP IT!" "DABI!" "N-NO!" She manages between breaths. Squirming and thrashing around wildly as I keep a firm hold on her. "P-PLEASE OH MY GOD!!" "I CAN'T - CAN'T BREATHE!!" She's a mess of cackles and guffaws in my arms and I'd be lying if I said I didn't absolutely love it. It was the most amazing sound I've ever heard, but I'm on a mission here.

"You just gotta hit me with that question and I'll stop" I offer as my assault on her sides continues.

"F-FINE!" She shouts in defeat. My hands leave her sides as I smile down at her triumphantly. "J-just give me a sec... to catch my breath... you ass..." she says between giggles and gasps for air. Her huffing quickly turns into steady breaths.

She turned around in my arms so that she was facing me. Her E/C orbs gazing up at me with uncertainty before she buries her face into my chest with a frustrated whine. "You kissed me" she mumbles. " you kissed me that one time and you haven't tried to since..." her fingers nervously fidget with the material of my shirt. "Why not?" She asked timidly.

I pulled her away from my chest so that I could get a good look at her. She looked upset, hurt even. I take a deep breath to calm my heart that suddenly decided to pick up it's pace. "I'm a little shocked, I'm not gonna lie" I chuckle.

Her brows furrow and her face morphs from hurt and sad, to confused and curious. A smug grin stretched across my face as I prop my head onto the palm of my hand and watch the suddenly shy H/C girl in front of me. "Are you trying to tell me you want me to kiss you again?"

Her face erupts into a deep red, she'd put a tomato to shame right now. Her eyes darted around, glancing anywhere but at me. 'Absolutely. Fucking. Adorable'
I broke into a genuine smile as I leaned in close enough for our noses to barely touch, just out of reach of her lips. "You gotta tell me what you want, Y/N" I breathed out.

She nodded eagerly, face still dusted pink as her eyes finally met mine.


Not a Monster (Dabi x Reader)*COMPLETED*Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu