Chapter 18

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Your POV

   I wake up to the sound of my alarm screeching at me. I hear a soft grumble from the fluffy mass of raven black hair in front of me as I reach behind me to shut the noise from my phone off.

   Stretching with a light yawn, I go to get up from bed just to be pulled right neck down into bed, "Five more minutes." He grumbles again. "I'm not ready for you to go yet."

   My heart flutters at his sleepy neediness. "Alright. Five more minutes then I have to get ready." I turn to face him and snuggle back into his warmth as we both just enjoy the feeling.


   Five minutes turned into half an hour and I'm now rushing to shower and get ready while Dabi whips up a quick breakfast for the both of us.

   We eat together a little hurriedly since I managed to get ready with just 10 minutes to spare if I wanted to make it in time. Afterwards he gives me a peck on the lips as we head out of my apartment together.

   "For the love of whatever you believe in, Y/N, please start locking your door." He groans as he opens my door back up and locks it before closing it again, just a little forcibly. "It's not fucking safe"

   I give him an apologetic pout, "yeah yeah, I'm sorry. I'll get into the habit." I move to grab the spare from underneath the welcome mat and hand it to him. "Take this though"

   He gives me another peck on the lips. "I'd walk you to work, but the boss is a little peeved that I took off work so suddenly the way I did. I gotta get ready to get going."

   "No it's fine! Thank you for taking so much of your time to be here for me. It really means a lot." I say, giving him a warm and genuine smile.

   We part ways and I head off towards the pet shop in town while he heads into his apartment.


Dabi's POV

   I get inside and rush to get dressed. Shigaraki is gonna be pissed if I don't get there soon.


   I let out an annoyed huff as I open the door to the bar. The place isn't bad for a villain hideout, at least it's not some dusty warehouse.

   "Bacon Boy!" I stumble a bit as I'm tackled by an erratic blonde mess of hair.

   "Get the fuck off me you psycho." I flatly say as I pry her from my torso. "And don't call my that." She looks up at me, her sharp golden eyes squinting as she gave me a big grin, showcasing her wickedly sharp vampire like teeth. Her hair in blonde buns on either side of her head, a mess as ever.

   A door further in slams open and our heads snap to the hallway entrance just as Hands himself passes the threshold, shaggy blue hair a mess as always. He makes his way to me, his boney hand outstretched, ready to destroy whatever he managed to touch. I quickly dodge and put a good amount of space between us.

   "Where the hell have you been?!" His raspy voice strains with frustration and annoyance as his hand falls to his neck to scratch at the already scarred flesh there. One murderous red eye peaking out from behind the disembodied hand on his face.

   "I told you, I had some personal shit to deal with." I deadpanned. Like hell I'd tell him anything about Y/N. I might owe him, but I'm not gonna put her in danger just because of that.
"Let's just get this over with. I'm already tired of you guys."

   "Well suck it up" Shigaraki snaps, "we've got things to do and everyone else still needs to get here before we get started."


The rest of the league has finally showed up. Took hours though. We are all currently waiting for TV man to make his presence known.

   I heave an annoyed and impatient sigh just as the TV flickers on, displaying 'SOUND ONLY' across the screen.

   "Master, what did you need to speak to us about?" Hands asks, sounding like the impatient child he tends to usually be.

   "We're close to being ready to put phase two of the Nomu project in action. Just a few more test subjects are needed, but... we need female specimens. You've only brought males thus far. I expect you'll get the job done in a timely manner. Floor plans of the university and information on the years newest students would also make things a lot easier. The sooner you all get these tasks finished, the sooner we can make our move."

   "Yes Master. It's as good as done" Hands says, having calmed down.

   "Of course Tomura" and with that, the screen shuts off.

   Why do I have a bad feeling about this?


   Your POV

   Making your way back home, you hopped off the train from your therapy appointment. It really helped a lot and put things into perspective.

   She reassured you that opening up to this new person is a good sign and that I should be cautious, but not to the point that I push him away. We went over what caused the breakdown over the weekend too. Next time I get close to a crisis situation like that, I'm supposed to call her personal number as soon as possible and get into a safe space. It helped a lot on my perspective of things honestly.

   Along the short walk home I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched though. I summed it up to paranoia since it was pretty dark. There weren't any suspicious sounds going on around me, or smells, or even any people at all. It was eerie honestly. So I sped up my pace and discreetly rushed home.


   I text Dabi to tell him I made it home safe and decided to give my little broccoli boy, Izuku, a call. It was only around 8pm so he definitely wasn't asleep yet.


   Getting ready for bed, I make a point to go lock my door. Remembering Dabi's halfhearted scolding and the feeling of eyes on me the whole way home.

   Regardless, I'm still excited for work tomorrow, and about the visit me and the boys scheduled while we were all on the phone on my train ride home, since they have a small break from hero training and my days off lined up perfectly.

   They said they'll be bringing their new roommate. He's apparently a late enrollment, but they assured me he's a kind guy, apparently a bit peculiar though.

'I can't wait to see my gaybies and the newbie!'

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