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*After School*

Jungwoo's POV:

I walked into the auditorium, smiling bravely. The best club of the year, Chorus, had started and we were going to perform at the dance. 

"Good Afternoon~ for our monthly project, everyone will have to record a video of themselves singing a solo song. Make it a meaningful video, kids!"

'A solo? What song would I do...'

"Jungwoo!" I hear a familiar voice call my name and turn around to see my favorite bunny.

"Doyoung! How are you?" I greet him with a hug.

"I'm great! I heard that you have a date to the dance~" he teases.

'That's right... but we're not on good terms. The dance is soon and I need to fix things.'

"It's complicated..." I laugh awkwardly.

"Ah, that's okay. I have a really good feeling that you'll resolve things." he comforts me.

"Anyways, what are you thinking of singing for your solo song?" 

I freeze, not having thought about it yet.

"I don't know... actually, Doyoung? Could you give me some advice?" I ask.

'At this point, I really need help... and Doyoung is the wisest person I know.'


"So... Lucas and I had a fight- kinda. We were both in the wrong, but now I'm ready to fix things..." 

He nods, listening attentively.

"But you of all people know that I suck at confrontation or talking about my feelings..." I confess.

He nods, making a thinking face.

 "Wait..." a lightbulb seemed to appear above Doyoung's head.

"Sing your solo song to him! Make it... maybe like an apology.. or something romantic. You never got to truly confess your feelings, right? This is your chance~ plus it would fit the requirements of the video." the bunny smiles widely.

"I swear, you're truly a hopeless romantic..." I respond, seeing how excited he was for this small thing.

(A/N: Throwback to "Take My Breath Away" when Dr. Kim (Doyoung's future self) fanboys over norenmin cuddling~)

"But I'm serious! It would be perfect, considering how much Lucas loves hearing you sing." 

'He's heard me sing??'

As if Doyoung knew what I was thinking, he responded, "Remember Truth or Dare in 8th grade?" 



12 boys sit in a circle, a water bottle in the middle. 

"Yukhei, it's your turn to spin and ask."

The said boy spins the water bottle, which points to Jungwoo.

"Sing for us!" the taller claps his hands excitedly.

"What song?" Jungwoo asks, a bit nervously.

"Kung Fu Fighting!" Lucas punches the air.

*End of Flashback*

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