Not Pretty, But Beautiful

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Out of breath, Jungwoo rings the doorbell of Ten's house.

"Woo? What are you doing here? Are you crying? Oh my god, come in." Ten gasps, pulling Jungwoo inside and onto the couch.

"Ten... L-lucas asked me to the dance and I said yes... and then Gogi got mad and told everyone..." the younger cries on Ten's shoulder.

"Told everyone what?"

"That I wanted to get plastic surgery... and right in front of Lucas too! I'm so mortified, Ten... I can't go back there." he sniffles, hugging his best friend like a lifeline.

"You can sleep here tonight and borrow my extra uniform for tomorrow." Ten responds, getting up to get the sad snoopy a glass of water.

"Does she really like Lucas so much that she's that mad? I thought she liked Minnie, her best friend, right?" Ten comes back, thinking hardly.

"I thought so too. Wait, Ten. Do you remember Raewon? Yuqi's ex-best friend from 3rd grade? And how they started talking again last year?" 

"Oh, that bitch. She's bullying people all the time. Oh my god- Jungwoo, you think she's being bullied?" Ten sets the water on the table, looking concerned.

"But she would've come to us. She trusts us right? She literally has a whole support group with her family." Jungwoo's rage comes back, flaring up.

"She still had no right to do that. I trusted her with a secret and now my whole family, plus my crush knows now..." the snoopy groans, putting his face in his hands.

Ten sighs, as if he's about to contradict him, but decides not to.

"We can sleep in my bed. Let's go and deal with tomorrow, tomorrow." the number drags a tired Jungwoo upstairs.

- -

*Back at the House*

Lucas stands there, frozen in place, as Taemin takes Yuqi to another room.

Minho concentrates on the situation, looking at Yukhei.

"There's been a lot of tension between them... over you. I'm pretty sure that Yuqi's being influenced by a homophobic friend. It got bad enough that she's disgusted by us, her own family. I don't know why liking you has anything to do with it, but I suggest you go home and get some sleep. Jungwoo will be back in the morning and you can talk to him, okay?" he says, letting out his silent observations.

"I knew they both liked me... and I wanted to give them both a chance. I liked Jungwoo first though. Even before all of this." Lucas sighs, feeling confused.

"Forgive me, but that's completely stupid of you, Wong Yukhei. If you already liked Jungwoo and he liked you back before all of this, then you should've gone for it. Yuqi had a small crush on you and she came later. Heartbreak is part of life, but you just waited till they both got heartbroken." Minho almost releases terror on Lucas, holding himself back and just putting a hand on the young boy's shoulder.

"You'll have to fix this eventually."

I'm in for something bad, aren't I?  Yukhei thinks.

I'm sorry to both of them... now I have to face what comes. 

- - 

*Next Day at School*

Yuqi walks through the hallways, an intimidating expression plastered on her face.

"Yuqi!" Minnie runs up to the girl, hugging her, before realizing how Yuqi tensed up, not hugging back or changing her expression.

"Are you okay-" she frowns, before getting cut off by Raewon and her group walking up to them.

"You see these ponytails you have on Yuqi?" the cruel girl, moves her hand to try and grab onto Yuqi's hair. "They look like a three year- AGH!" 

Raewon's hand is tightly gripped and held in place by the formerly innocent, Gogi.

"You're going to break my wrist! Let go, you idiot!" she struggles, but Yuqi holds it even tighter, causing the other to wince.

"Gogi! Please let go-" Minnie tries to intercept. Although she hates Raewon, she didn't want Yuqi to get in trouble.

Yuqi tilts her face, quizzically, before grabbing Raewon's hair as well and moving close to her ear to whisper loudly.

"My skirts fit just fine. It's your problem for looking there. Women in suits are more powerful than anything. Once you see a woman in a suit, you won't  ever need to see someone pretty again. Women in suits are beautiful. Women standing up for women are beautiful. But you? You put down other women. That's the opposite of beautiful. So, you might be pretty, Raewon, but you'll never be beautiful."

The now, empowered girl, moves away to see Raewon's vulnerable look, before turning her head to see Minnie's eyes. A mix of admiration and fear showing in them. 

"Gogi, let's calm down. You've made your point." the caring girl says, holding onto Yuqi's arm.

Yuqi can't refuse those eyes, so she lets go of Raewon and allows Minnie to drag her to their secret location.

- - 

I'm so proud of Yuqi and can't wait to write the next chapter~

Thank you for reading!

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