chapter 18

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3 years later:

It has been 3 years since my heart was shattered. Since he left me. Since I got up on my own feet. And 2 years 1 month I became a mother. Mother to twins. A girl and a boy. They are my new monkeys.

I moved on. It wasn't easy neither hard when your parents are supportive and you have 2 understanding cousins. And unconditional love.

I never told anyone who is the father of my child except Sia and Maddie. They were bound to know.

My son's name is James Thomas Morrison. And my daughter's name is Aisha Lily Morrison. James started to walk now. Aisha is still trying. They are inseparable siblings.

I heard that kids start to talk first with their mother or father's name. But in their case , James started to talk by calling Aita , as in Aisha.

If they weren't there , I would have committed suicide that very day he left me.

I have never heard from that bastard , nor any sign. I never tried to contact him ever again. Never. For me , he's dead. He was once there, now he's nowhere. He doesn't exists anymore. It's the thing I say. But at the end of the day , I imagine him playing with my kids.

After some days of depression , I finally cured and started my studies. I finished with my college and studied Science and Literature . It's just for satisfaction. At the end , I always knew I will be helping dad with his company. So yeah , I did. I helped him with his company and fortunately it became a billionaire company. Sia and Maddie , my monkeys were and still with me.  In the end of my college, I gave birth to them. It was really tough. Really. Like my exams were going on and besides my new 2 monkeys. My little chocolates. If mom , dad , Maddie and Sia weren't with me , I don't know if I was capable of going further with my studies. They took care of them while I studied.

Mom and dad were really happy becoming grandparents. But still their smile on their face always searched for my happiness.

I became so lonely. Before all this happened , I used to be happy when I killed an ant. And now , one of my book published , still , I smiled but not a real one. The innocence that he took from me will cost him a lot. But I know that Karma is a bitch. And it will show up soon.

I never searched for his bio or anything. Never searched or saw if he did anymore films. Just once when I went to the university where I studied Science and Literature, I heard that taylor and he broke up.

I didn't feel anything. The truth is I don't know how I felt. Jealous? Happy? Sad? Or confused? Nothing. He took my feelings with him. All of them.

Sia and Maddie were happy being aunts. Sia was a year elder than me whereas Maddie and I was the same age. So becoming an aunt was a very fun thing to become until you realize you have to help your sister cleaning their nappies and other shits.

I still stayed with my parents in their house. Sia and Maddie's family moved to our town and they were our neighbors too.

Mom and Dad said they won't let us leave until I find someone. I am so blessed to have them. But I never tried to find someone. I don't want something to be broken that has been already been broken. It's not like I don't want to stay with my parents forever. I don't wanna be a bother. But I also don't wanna find someone.


I woke up to the stirring of James beside me. And suddenly I felt a little hand on my face.

"Woke up , cupcake?" I opened my eyes and held Aisha's hand quickly.

"Maaa" she replied.

"Yes mum?" I smiled and kissed her.

James was still moving.

I sat up and took Aishu in my arm as James went to sleep again.

" Mum" she said.

"What happened hun?" I chuckled.

She smiled at me evilly and peed on me.

"Aishah!" I said and burst into laughter. It became a normal thing cause she did it often.

I changed my t shirt and cleaned the part where she peed and we both brushed . Then went out. I did the same with James and went to the kitchen.

"Morning sweetheart" mom kissed my temple.

"Morning mom"

"Morning flowers." Dad said and took both Aisha and James on his lap.

I went and kissed dad's forehead and he did the same.

We made breakfast and sat on the table.

"So , Lissy , found someone, honey?" Dad asked suddenly.

"You don't want to keep your poor daughter with you anymore ?" I asked with a evil grin.

He giggled " no sweetie , I didn't mean that. You're alone for a while. Our munchkins needs a father too." He sighed

"Nah , I don't think they need. Hold up , are you telling me that I am not a good mother, huh?" I squinted my eyes and they burst into laughter.

"That's not what I mean , I meant that , okay , see , if I wasn't there , would you be happy?" He asked. I thought for a moment.

"You're right daddy. I will see." I smiled . We finished our breakfast and my old monkeys came in. I guess I will have to call them gorillas now. Their everyday job to see their nephew and niece.

I always hand my monkeys to the gorillas and go to write and do the other official works. I work for 3-4 hrs , with breaks then spend my day with my Ape family. This is my daily routine. This is my life.

A.N- I guess it will end in next 10-20 chapters. But unsure. Still , things are gonna get steamy. Lol
Salu <3

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