Battle at the Underpass

Start from the beginning

'Is he actually older than us or is he actually a little kid posing as a high schooler?'

"It's empty?" Ben asked as they entered. "Fuck! Were they just messing with me?"

"Messing with you?" The pool hall lady entered the room and greeted them. "Welcome,"

Both Ben and Alex blushed madly, but Ashur was unaffected. "Hi!" He greeted like a normal person. 

Both Ben and Alex shared a look. 'How can any man be immune to this hottie? Ash has got to be an actual kid!'

"The owner is out at the moment," The lady said. "What drinks can I get you three?"

Both Ben and Alex grabbed a pool stick and posed, trying to appear charming and handsome. Alex even sat on the corner of one of the pool tables. "We'll be playing three-ball and I'll have coffee for my drink," Ben said.

"Me too," Alex added.

'What a bunch of weirdos,' Ashur stared at them with confusion. "I'll have some water please,"

"Sure thing," The lady smiled. "Two coffees and a water then,"

"Boom, jackpot!" Ben and Alex cheered. "She's a goddess, a goddess!"

'Idiots,' Ashur thought. 'She's a human, not a goddess,'


As Alex was about to hit his cue ball, he saw that both Ben and Ashur's attentions were to the window. "Geez, what's going on out there?" 

'That's a different high school uniform,' Ashur said. 'There's one that's wearing a Eunjang uniform. That skinny form and grey's Gray!' He placed some cash onto the counter and ran down the stairs.

"Where's Ashur running off to?" Alex walked over to the window. "And what do you mean? What are you looking at?"

"That's Yoosun High's uniform, right?" Ben asked.

"Huh? Wait a minute," Despite being a bit far, Alex could clearly recognize one of the goons' faces. "That one over there. It's Jack Kang, Jimmy Bae's valet!"

"Damn, you're right," Ben also recognized him. "That piece of shit. If he's repping Jimmy Bae, is he here to take me down? De todos modos! Anyway! Yeesh!" He looked at Gray who was gripping Helmet's hair. "Look at the guts the kid's got. Hey, Ashur's also joining the fight! Yippee! Finally!" He began to run to the door. "It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to let loose!"


"Why you little piece of shit!" Unnamed Yoosun Student #1 yelled. 

'I can't defeat five anyway,' Gray thought as he still held on to Helmet's hair. 'Think! There's always a way out. Wait for the first guy to come in swinging and...kick him in the...'

Unnamed Yoosun Student #1 rushed forward to punch Gray, but before Gray could react, Gerard Jin kicked Unnamed Yoosun Student #1 away. "Hey there, Yoosun High students,"

"Who the fuck are you!?" The pink haired Unnamed Yoosun Student #2 demanded. "Coming out of nowhere and kicking my friend in the gut! Wanna die?"

"Jack, that's G—" 

As Unnamed Yoosun Student #3 was identifying Gerard, Ashur came out of nowhere and kneed him in the face. But he didn't stop there and delivered an elbow to Unnamed Yoosun Student #3's stomach before kicking him hard in the groin.

'That kid didn't hesitate to interrupt them while they were talking,' Gerard said. 'At first, I was worried since Gray and I were outnumbered. But I saw Ashur's fight and I'm sure he'll help even the odds,'

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