Chapter 28

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"I know I'm suppose to be happy for you, but it's so hard."

"We're dating!"

V announced, smiling like a child as his eyes twinkled with excitement. Bom who seemed way too uninterested just fiddled with her fingers and nodded, muttering 'ok'. Her heart was aching but she tried to ignore the pain. She caused her own pain.

"Listen, I know there's practically no reason to ask for your help but it's been awkward between us. Like, heck, I don't even know what she likes,"

V said, looking a bit discouraged as he looked at Bom with big pleading eyes. Bom, who's attention was still fixed on her fiddling fingers, did not even listen to him and just nodded while muttering,


Seeing how uninterested she was, V frowned and waved his hand in front of her face.

"Hello? Are you even listening?"

Snapping back to reality, Bom looked V dead in the eye and asked,

"What do you want? Didn't y'all kiss?"

Her heart ached a bit as she said the last sentence but the last sentence caught V off guard. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Bom with suspicion. 

"How did you know we kissed?"

Bom's eyes widened and there was finally emotion in her face.

"No! I mean, like, uh- isn't that what all couples do? I was just guessing! I am a matchmaker after all! Hahaha..."

She exclaimed, faking a laugh, easing V's suspicion a little bit. He just nodded, putting his finger on his chin and pondering for a while before turning his face to her. Taking a deep breath, he started ranting about all the issues he was facing in his relationship with Hyojoo.
Bom could not help but feel a bit relieved after knowing how their relationship was not working out. But she knew that she was selfish to be happy about their misfortune. So, she gave him advice and helped him, digging herself into a deeper hole.

Matchmaker 김태형√Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon