Chapter 22

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"I went against the most important rule for a matchmaker; I fell for my client."

"So how did the date go?"

Bom asked as she fiddled with her fingernails. V just forced a smile.

"Oh... It went... amazing..."

He muttered, recalling everything that happened during the date. It did go well as Hyojoo enjoyed the date so much that she had a huge smile on her face the entire time. However, he did not enjoy the date and he was not sure why.

"Okay great. Now, you guys go to the same university, right?"

Bom asked, sounding a bit uninterested for some reason as V nodded.

"Ok, you need to spend time with her in university too. You can buy her food, do homework with her and join the clubs she participates in,"

Bom continued as she stood up, her eyes still fixed on her nails. V took out his notepad and pen and jotted her advice down. Something in him did not want to follow her advice or even see Hyojoo again but he did not know why. He felt like he was going crazy.
At the same time, Bom's heart was racing as she was trying hard to focus on her nails than V.  She knew she was falling for him but one of the rules as a matchmaker was not to fall for your client. Therefore, she was trying to focus less on V. 
However, it was getting difficult. From her peripheral vision, she could see that V and he looked amazing. His russet brown hair, his everything. She was giving it her all to not look up and look at V.  However, she was way too focused on forcing herself to look at her nails and instead, she tripped over her foot. Her eyes widened as she fell backwards.
Instead of feeling the hard ground against her back, she felt a pair of arms holding onto her. She looked at V and realised he was holding her. As she felt her heart beat starting to accelerate, she cursed to herself. It was over.
She looked right into V's sepia eyes, her heart racing as she did so. They made eye contact and no one was breaking it. Both their hearts were racing, both of them were burning up and both their cheeks were carmine red. There was no holding back now.

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