Chapter 7

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"Is it normal to be nervous for a first date or am I just crazy?"

V looked overjoyed after seeing Hyojoo's reply. He let out a squeal before hitting Bom's arm repeatedly. Bom stared at V with a blank face, slowly feeling her exasperation turning into irritation. A grown man was acting like a huge baby just because his crush wanted to go on a date. How unbelievable.
However, V suddenly turned around and looked at her, absolutely horrified. His eyes were wide open as his jaw hung low, about to slam down onto the ground as he clutched his phone tightly. Bouts of sweat trickled down his forehead as he grabbed the paper bag he put down a while ago and started hyperventilating.

"What's wrong?"

Bom asked, as horrified as he was. She stared at him with anticipation but all he could do was hyperventilate more before saying,

"What am I suppose to wear for the date? What do I say to her? How do I walk? I-"

Before V could say more, he started hyperventilating again. Bom rolled her eyes and snatched the paper bag from his grasp and looked at him straight in the eyes with a smirk that made V uneasy.

"Why do you think you hired a matchmaker? I'll help you obviously,"

She said smugly with her arms crossed. V put down his paper bag, his eyes shining brightly with hope once again as he let out a sigh of relief. Hours passed by and Bom finally taught V all the crucial steps to do on a first date.

"So, what you want me to do is dress well, be early, compliment her and ask questions about her?"

V asks, repeating all the tips Bom told him while writing them down. Bom nodded her head, feeling confident about the date V was going to have with Hyojoo. V was still a bit unsure and was about to ask a question when Bom interrupted him.

"Oh! And please no more dad jokes or pick-up lines. If I were Hyojoo, I'd never talk to you."

V just nodded and kept quiet, feeling uneasy about his upcoming date.

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