Chapter 6

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"I wish you would know earlier that this is a mistake. But mistakes are made for you to learn from them."


"How about this, you take her out on a date."

"What?! Isn't it too soon?"

"The signs are pretty clear at this point, V,"

Bom said, patting his shoulder with an exasperated look on her face. She had a little bit of hope that Hyojoo wouldn't fall for him but it seemed like she liked him. She did not want Hyojoo to get hurt when they both realise it was infatuation but her job was to matchmake them.
Snapping out of her thoughts, she looked up and saw V looking at her with hope shining in his eyes. He looked overjoyed. His heart was beating quick. All he wanted was to be with Hyojoo, to hug her and to wake up seeing her beside him. When he went to the US for high school, Hyojoo was the one on his mind 24/7.

"Then, what do I say? How do I ask her out?!"

Bom sighed as she stared at a panicked V as he started hyperventilating. She massaged her temples as she looked at him, exasperated once again.

"You want a paper bag or...?"

"No, I'm fine, I'm totally fine."

Hearing his response, Bom casually grabbed a nearby paper bag for V to hyperventilate in while grabbing his phone and scrolling all the way to his text messages with Hyojoo.

"Seriously? You pulled a dad joke while texting her?"

Bom said, her face in disgust as she stared at the screen, reading and judging more of V's cringy text messages he sent to Hyojoo. He rolled his eyes and snatched his phone away. After judging more of V's corny text messages, Bom started helping V and gave advice on how to ask Hyojoo out.

"You should ask her out when you guys are face to face, honestly. But whatever."

After a long process of Bom getting exasperated at V's hyperventilation and panic everytime Hyojoo came online or everytime he typed a letter, V miraculously asked Hyojoo out on a date to a pet shelter to help out with the pets and thankfully, Hyojoo agreed to go.

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