Chapter 26

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"The one obvious rule for a matchmaker is to never fall for their client."

Soon, the gathering was over and Bom had left the café seething with anger. The other book club members who surprisingly arrived considering how late they all were also left. The only two people left was a confused V and a pissed Hyojoo. However, Bom did not forget to give V a little thumbs up for good luck to mask her real rage when she left.

"So, that girl... Is she just a friend? You two seemed really close,"

Hyojoo asked, laughing awkwardly to cover up her irritation and hatred towards Bom. V, unsure of whether he should say yes or not really, replied,

"Uh... yes but no?"

He was sweating as he was unsure if he should make Hyojoo more jealous or just leave it be. Hearing his ambiguous answer in fact made Hyojoo even more annoyed. She took deep breaths as she clutched onto her book tighter.

"What does that mean?"

She asked through gritted teeth. Mindlessly, V replied,

"In my eyes, she's always beautiful and-"

V was interrupted by the loud noise made by Hyojoo as she slammed her book onto her table. Everyone turned to look at her and she just forced an awkward smile and apologised. V, however, was confused as to why she slammed her book. He did not know how to answer her question so, he answered truthfully.

"Beautiful as a friend or..."

Hyojoo asked anxiously, looking at V for a reply she hoped.

"What do you mean?"

V asked in confusion, driving her mad. Her face was growing red as her nails dug into her book. Steam was practically coming out of her ears as she yelled,

"What do I mean? Seriously? What do I mean? How can you be so insensitive? How could you take me out on dates, spend time with me, buy me things and say that you think another girl is beautiful? You didn't even care to tell me about her? I thought we honestly had something! I thought that since we had gone on so many dates you would-"

Before she could continue her rant, V smiled and stood up from his seat. He used both his hands to grab onto her face and pull hers closer to his. His heart was racing as he looked into her chocolate eyes. Hyojoo's eyes were wide open as her face started burning. Her face was scarlet red as her heart beat like crazy.
Tilting his head slightly, V moved his face closer to her, ignoring all the cheers and stares coming from the customers in the café with his eyes fixed on Hyojoo's lips. Then, their lips touched. His first kiss was spent on his first crush.
Although everyone in the café had euphoria rushing in their veins, one person outside had tear-filled eyes and a shattered heart. The tears began to trickle down her vermillion cheeks as she felt like an idiot. She made this happen, she did this to herself. She never should have fallen for him. But she did.

Because she was the matchmaker that brought them together in the first place.

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