Chapter 13: Azriel

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Sitting on the couch next to my mate after dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about how content I am at this moment. No matter how unworthy I am of Skylah, I enjoy spending time with her and her daughter.
    Lovia was fast asleep in my arms. Other than Nesta, every family member of mine tried to convince me to let them hold her. But I couldn't bring myself to give her up, to their dismay.
    Dinner was a calm affair, despite Cassian trying to embarrass me at every available moment. His recollection of our midnight adventures are incredibly detailed. This is quite surprising based on how drunk we were during most of them. Nonetheless, Skylah heard more stories about my drunken self than I would've preferred.
    I would occasionally cast glances at her while Cass went off on a tangent. I expected to find disappointment or something worse on her face, but was shocked to instead hear her laugh and ask for more stories.
    "Nesta and I should probably get home," I heard Cassian say, bringing me back to the present. He stood up, taking his mate with him. "It's getting late."
    Elain and Lucien had already gone to their room an hour ago. They stay here while in Velaris due to constantly traveling to the Spring and Day Court. Lucien has been visiting his father, Helion, more and more lately.
    "Mor and I aren't far behind you," Priya added.
    As Mor said the words, I felt Skylah's head land on my shoulder. A look at her face told me that she's asleep.
    "It looks as though Skylah is also tired," Mor joked.
    "Madja warned me that she would likely be exhausted today," I said quietly, careful not to disturb her. "Her body is still healing. I'm impressed that she managed to stay awake this long."
    "Would you look at that," chirped Cassian. "You've put the mother and daughter both to sleep. Do you bore women to sleep, often?"
    "Leave the male alone," Feyre cut in, from where she sat across from me. "Lovia isn't even a month old. And like Az said, Skylah is still healing."
    Cassian gave me an apologetically nod.
    "We'll see you all, tomorrow," Nesta said. She grabbed Cassian's hand and pulled him towards the door. "Good night." Cassian threw a wave over his shoulder.
    "We're leaving, too," said Mor. Priya and her were already at the door. "Goodbye, family." And with that they walked into the night.
    I looked between my mate asleep on my shoulder and her daughter asleep in my arms. I needed to get them both into proper beds.
    "Rhys would you mind carrying Lovia to bed, while I carry Skylah?"
    "I would be honored to."
    When my High Lord had Lovia secured safely in his arms, I was able to lift Skylah into my own. I was careful of her wings.
    "I'll meet you in our room, mate," said Feyre. She looked to me. "Good night, Az."
    "Good night, Feyre."
    She winnowed away, presumably to the room that she shares with Rhys.
    My brother and I walked up the stairs silently. We didn't speak until we reached Skylah's room.
    "You're mate is full of surprises," Rhys commented. He walked across the room to the crib and laid Lovia down gently. She didn't even stir.
    "That she is." Rhys moved Skylah's blanket out of my way, allowing me to place her on the bed. Like her daughter, she didn't move. "I can't bring myself to say that I don't enjoy being shocked by her, though." I draped the blanket over my mate.
    "I know you well enough to know that you believe yourself to be unworthy of Skylah. That she deserves better than you." I found Rhys' eyes in the darkness of the room. "But you aren't. She doesn't deserve anyone better than you because there isn't anyone better than you." He put a hand on my shoulder. "You're a good male, Azriel. And you deserve to be happy. Whether it's with Skylah or someone else, you deserve it."
    I looked down at my feet, unable to look at the intensity on his face. "She's already been through so much. Lost so much," I said weakly. "I don't want to cause her any more pain than she's already experienced."
    "You won't add to her pain, Az." Rhys gave my shoulder a shake until I looked him in the eyes. "You'll help her heal from it. And I think that she'll help you with yours." Rhys walked to the doorway. "I'm assuming that you're staying in the room next to Skylah's again, tonight. Rather than going to your apartment. Sleep well, Azriel." He walked out of the room.
    I looked down at my mate. She truly was beautiful. Her relaxed features made her look peaceful. Not happy. Not sad. Just peaceful.
    Running a finger across her cheek, I whispered, "Good night, my dearest mate."
    Worried that she may wake up while I'm in the room, I quickly made my way to the door. I paused next to Lovia's crib to kiss her on the head.
    When in bed, I struggled to fall asleep hours after laying down. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't ignore the tingling feeling in the finger that grazed Skylah's cheek.

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