Chapter 24: Skylah

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"Are you getting Azriel anything for Winter Solstice?" my High Lady asked me as we sat in her living room.
    It's been five days since Azriel took me flying and I haven't seen much of him since. And it wasn't his doing. Flying with him felt intimate. Too intimate. Although I never let myself fully think about it, I always thought that my first flight would be with Onen.
    I still remember laying next to him on the grass behind my father's shack of a house, listening to him vividly describe what it's like to fly while we watched the stars.
    I'm going to show you the stars someday, Sky. Someday when it's safe and I figure out how to get you out of here, I'll show them to you, he swore to me.
    I know you will, I said softly back to him. You've already given me so much. I will never be able to repay you.
    You deserve everything good in life. Hell, you deserve the world Skylah, his face turned serious as he used my full name. Whatever I have to do to free you, I will do it. No sacrifice is too much. You will be liberated, whether my life is the cost or not. I will see to it.
    Don't say such things, I scolded him. My life without yours is not worth living. Do you understand me? Your life is not worth my freedom. I don't want it if it is. Promise me you will not die for me? I love you too much to lose you, my voice cracked and my eyes filled with unshed tears. Before I could continue my choked words, Onen cut me off with a searing kiss. His lips moved against mine, opening my mouth to let his in. He pulled away slightly, just far enough to whisper, I love you, too, before diving back into me, leaving my previous plea unanswered.
    Our daughter was conceived that night. Created under the stars with love and the promises that were never made.
    Flying with Azriel opened up old memories that I had tried to bury. It left me feeling raw. I needed the time away from Azriel to think.
    "I would like to get him something, but I'm not sure what," I answered Feyre. I also didn't have any money to purchase a gift with. I know that Azriel opened an account for me and has been depositing money in it weekly, but it feels wrong to spend money that I haven't earned. Especially when he lets me stay in his apartment rent free. I need to find a job, and soon.
    "You can spend the money that Azriel has set up for you, you know," Feyre stated, as if she could read my mind, even though my mental shields were up. "But I get it," she uttered, shocking me. At my raised eyebrows she continued. "I'm not sure what Azriel has all told you about my past, but I was very poor before I came to Prythian. My father lost his fortune when I was a child. My family and I starved until I taught myself how to hunt. Going from that to this was life changing. I also felt guilty using my mates money until I realized that he wanted to share everything that he had with me. He wanted everything to be ours and I did too. I wouldn't be surprised if Azriel wanted the same thing."
    "I don't have much to give him."
    "It's not material things that he wants from you. He wants you to be his and for himself to be yours. He also yearns to be included in Lovia's life," she nodded to my daughter in my lap. Stroking Lovia's hand, I smiled when she grabbed ahold of my finger with her tiny hand. "He wants a life with his mate and her daughter."
    Her words left me overwhelmed with emotions that I can't physically process right now. Needing to move on before I broke down, I quickly asked, "How have you been feeling, lately? Has the morning sickness passed?" My High Lady was at about eleven weeks now and has still managed to hide her scent from the others.
    Giving me a look, confirming that she knew I was trying to change the subject she answered, "I've been feeling a lot better. The morning sickness hasn't gone away completely, but has for the most part."
    "That's good. I'm glad. The pregnancy gets easier after the first trimester. And then it gets difficult again in the third when you're the size of a whale and everything is swollen," I laughed. "And then there's labor, which is another thing entirely."
    "I'm sure you'll make a beautiful whale, Feyre darling," a male voice purred from behind us. Rhys walked into the living room and stood in front of the couch we were sitting on. "And I promise to rub your swollen feet."
    "I can't believe I let this prick impregnate me," Feyre glared at her mate. "Did you hear what I have to look forward to? Why couldn't you just keep it in your pants?"
    "I'm sorry, my love," Rhys apologized, barely keeping the smirk off his face. "I have a pregnancy related question, Skylah."
    "Sure. What is it?"
    "Are pregnant women hormonal the entire preg-," he hadn't even finished the sentence before Feyre punched him in the gut. "I'm joking, mate." His eyes softened when he looked at Feyre. "I am eternally thankful and amazed by you during this pregnancy. You're astonishing and you'll make an incredible mother." He sealed his apology with a brief kiss, bringing a warm smile to Feyre's face.
    "When are you thinking of telling the others?" I asked.
    "We're contemplating telling everyone during Winter Solstice," Feyre explained. "All of our friends and family will be there, it seems like a perfect moment."
    "That sounds lovely." I gave them both a smile, happy that they are sharing their joyful news. Azriel will be so excited.
    "We thought so, too," my High Lord told me. Giving me an apologetic look he turned to his mate and said, "I'm sorry to interrupt you both, but don't you have a class to teach in 30 minutes?"
    "Oh, yes!," Feyre exclaimed. "I still have to set up for today's class, as well." She turned to me. "Would you like to join me? You can bring Lovia along. It's not a far walk and we can bundle her up."
    I was about to decline when I decided, why not? What's stopping me from enjoying the company of a friend? Maybe it'll take my mind off of Onen and Azriel.
    This thought process led to me saying, "Sure."

The High Lady's art studio is not how I imagined it. Rather than feeling prim and proper, it felt like a worn-in building that has housed many ideas and pieces of art. It has a welcoming and homey feeling to it. The children seemed to loved it.
    Feyre was able to entertain and keep the children busy with their painting assignment for the day. Feyre started the lesson by telling them to paint their happiest memory on their canvases. She then walked around and gave her assistance when it was needed, but she didn't interfere with the childrens' creative process.
    The younglings loved Lovia the second they saw her, everyone wanting to say hello to her. I didn't paint with Feyre's students, but I did observe and answer the intrusive questions that only children get away with asking. The class seemed to fly by and left me no time to sulk about my past lover or the confusing relationship with my mate.
    "I enjoyed this," I told the High Lady, my new friend. "Thank you for inviting me along. Teaching younglings seems like a lot of fun."
    "It's given me a purpose that I didn't know I needed," she responded. "You know, the shop next door to me is for sale if you would ever want to do something similar with your music."
    "Oh, I don't know..." I paused, unsure of my next words, but needing to get them out all the same. "May I ask a favor of you, my Lady?"
    "Of course. And you don't need to call me 'Lady', Sky," she said adamantly.
    "Could you paint my daughter's father? I want her to have that. I need her to have an image of him and I don't have the skill required to do it."
    Shock and understanding lit her eyes. "I would be honored to do that. Just show me an image in your mind."
    Although it hurt, for my daughter, I would do this. I nodded and dropped my shields enough to let Feyre in. I thought about Onen when he was happy. I showed her him smiling, laughing, with happiness alighting his eyes. I showed her the best in him.
    "Okay," she said softly. "I think I have enough to reference from."
    "I wish I could express just how grateful I am."
    "You don't have to. This is what friends are for." She linked her arm through my free one, and led me outside where the sun was setting. "Now let's go to my house for some hot chocolate." She gave me a warm smile.
    "Alright." I smiled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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