Mystic Falls?

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The envelope Sam and Emily gave me was a check, so once I made it to Idaho I went to the bank to deposit the check. It took me about a week to drive to a place called Mystic Falls VA, which I stopped at because I was hungry and they had a cute little place called the mystic grill. I went inside and sat at a booth, a sweet girl came over and said "hello my name is Vickie can I get you started with anything?" I said "Uh yes please, can I get a coke, a bacon cheese burger and some fries?" She smiled and said "Absolutely, hey are you new?" I said "Yeah how did you know?" she said "Small town, everyone knows everyone, hey how old are you?" I said "Small town? Thats cool I was looking for one I was born and raised in one up west with my abusive father. I am 16, I'm an emancipated minor." 

She said "Well you should stay here, I'll introduce you to some people." I said "Yeah, do you have a hotel until I can find a house to buy?" she smiled and said "Come with me." I grabbed my purse and stood up following her, she led me to two tables near each other and said "Hey everyone this is...." I said "My name is RaeLynn Uley but you can call me Rae." Vickie said "Yeah and she is 16 and emancipated and moving here. Rae this is my brother Matt, and his friends Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler and Elena's little brother Jeremy." she pointed to everyone as she said their name. Caroline said "I love your outfit." I said "Thank you." Bonnie pulled a chair over and said "Sit." 

I smiled and sat down, Vickie went off to finish her job and Elena said "Its perfect timing." I said "Why is that?" she said "We've only been in school for a week." I said "Nice, now is there anywhere to stay while I look for a house?" Elena said "I can see if you can stay in the boarding house." Tyler said "If not you can stay at my house. You cant miss it, it's the biggest house in town." I said "Seriously?" he said "Yep I'm the Mayors son." I said "Wow." Matt said "So why did you get emancipated?" Vickie brought my food and I said "I doubt you wanna here my sad story." Elena said "My parents died in a car accident where I was the only surviver four months ago. I could use someone else's sad." 

I said "My mom died in a car accident when I was 9, me and my cousin were in the car with my mom and his parents so I know how it feels. I got emancipated because my father has hated me since she died, he..." Tyler wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I took a deep breath and I said "He is abusive ok, he called me all sorts of names and beat the crap out of me so much its put me in the hospital a lot." everyone gasped as Caroline said "He hit you?" I lifted my shirt just enough for the group to see me littered in bruises." Tyler said "Why wasn't he arrested?" I let go of my shirt and said "Because he is chief of police in forks Washington and has been for 18 years. It was a kids word against the most respected man in town." 

I sighed and said "needed to get out and of course my boyfriend Jasper up and left without even a goodbye, the night before he bailed he said he loved me and that we were meant to be then the next day he convinced his whole family to move away, see my big sister was dating Jasper's brother Edward and my twin brother was with his sister Alice. Edward and Alice explained to my siblings that Jasper threatened to move alone if his family didn't move with him. He left me a letter that said "Sorry, your too good for me." That was it, that was all he wrote." Jeremy said "That guy is a jackass" Elena said "Language Jer, but your right he is so not worth your time." Caroline said "When is your birthday?" I said "Uh December 15th I was born in 92'." Caroline said "Ooh its coming up Elena's is June 22nd, mine is October 10th, Jeremy's is October 13th he was born in 94', Matt's is February 25th, Tyler's is January 13th, and Bonnie's is February 5th and she was born in 93'" 

I said "So I'm assuming that since she didn't mention years for some that you all were born in 92 as well?" Elena said "Yep." I said "So we are all juniors and the same age practically aside from Jeremy. Thats really cool." Jer said "Yeah but I'm a cool sophomore." Elena said "More like a drugged sophomore." Matt said "Yeah so is Vic except she is a senior." I said "Ok I can't really judge that because when I was 13 I had my first kiss and my father called me a whore and shipped me away where I did drugs, drank, and dated a 20 year old. who beat me and raped me so until I was 15 so I'm not exactly in a position to judge anyone." Jeremy said "No offense but you don't exactly have good relationships with men." 

I chuckled and said "Your telling me." a man walked in and Elena smiled so I looked back and he was kinda hot, I said "Who is he?" Elena said "Stefan Salvatore, a total god he and his older brother just moved here to live with their uncle and he is so sweet." I said "Be careful, Jasper was sweet for the 5 months we were together and you know how that ended." Caroline said "No offense to Rae but she is heart broken don't take her advice." the man walked over and Elena said "Stefan this is RaeLynn Uley and she just moved here, Rae this is Stefan." Stefan said "Oh the one you just texted me about?" I looked at her and she said "Yeah." Stefan said "Listen Rae, I talked with my uncle and he said it was ok for you to stay with us for as long as you want." I smiled and said "Thank you Stefan." he said "No problem, we have plenty of rooms and it would be fun to have someone other than my brother and uncle around." 

Elena said "I have to get home but I'll see you tomorrow at school." I said "Yeah no problem, its late anyway and I've been driving for a week." Stefan said "Well than lets get you home." I smiled and stood up, everyone said goodbye to me and I followed Stefan out, he said "I uh, don't have a car, I generally walk places." I said "Do you have a license?" he said "Yeah." I smiled and tossed him my keys and he smiled at me before opening the passenger door for me, so I got in and buckled up as he got in. He drove to a very nice house, and we got out, I said "Wait... I get to stay here?" he said "Its not that impressive." I said "Honey I'm one of three kids in a middle-class family and I'm a twin, I have only had my own room for two years because every house I've lived in was a three bedroom and my father was abusive and my mom died when I was a kid, so this is amazing." 

I grabbed a few bags and Stefan grabbed a few and he led me inside, I was in awe with this house and I'm sure it showed on my face. He led me upstairs and opened a door saying "This is you room, when you feel up to it I'll give you a tour of the house, it has a bathroom and a walk in closet." two guys brought up the rest of my bags and Stefan said "This is my uncle Zack and my older brother Damon." Zack was kinda cute but Damn was freaking hot. He had black hair and blue eyes, he was tall and wore a leather jacket. I said "Hi I'm Rae and thank you for allowing me to stay with you guys." Zack said "It is no problem dear, your 16 right?" I said "Yeah 17 in December." he smiled and said "Then you can go to school with Stefan and he can show you around." he put my bags down and walked out, Damon said "A friend of Stefan's is a friend of mine, glad to have you." he kissed my hand after setting my bags down, I said "Hmm confident." he gave me a side smirk and said "Only for you." 

Stefan said "Alright let's leave her alone to unpack." and shoved him out of my room making me giggle as I closed my door. Damon said "Hey Rae if you need paint just let me know." I opened the door and said "I can paint it?" he said "Yeah its your room." I smiled and said "In that case can I get Teal?" Damon said "Coming right up." I said "Thanks." I pulled out my computer and ordered a whole bunch of room decor and a bedspread that was to be delivered tomorrow. Damon came back with paint and together Damon, Stefan, and I got to know each other and bonded as we all painted my bedroom.

When Worlds CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora