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I woke up as the car came to a halt, I was curled up, facing the back of the seat. Jasper had his arm around my waist and my head was on his chest. The problem lies in the fact that I don't remember falling asleep, nor do I remember laying on him while he drove. He ran his free hand up and down my side to coax me up like he used to and said "Come on Rae, time to wake up." the problem with that movement is my shirt rode up as I slept and so he was gently running his hand along bare skin and that was turning me on so I quickly grabbed his hand to still him. He said, "Are you ok?" I said, "I can't think when you do that." he said, "Think of what?" I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest "Im scared of this town Jazz, I know he is here, I know he is pissed I ran, I also know I am technically an adult since I'm emancipated but even through all the therapy I did in Mystic Falls, I am still scared of him. I left when everyone was asleep I couldn't be in this town without you even though we fought more than anything. I haven't been back since, haven't spoken to anyone but my cousin since I left." 

He said "I won't leave you alone unless you ask me to. And RaeLynn I won't let him hurt you anymore. And we only fought because you are stubborn and I wanted to protect you but you wouldn't let me. Let me protect you, Rae." I said "I don't want to go inside yet." he said, "Then you don't have to." I finally took a deep breath and stepped outside of the car, I forgot how green this town was, how it smelled of flowers, pine, and wet. How the light flickered down between the leaves and branches. I closed my eyes and felt how the wind blew through my hair, and now I could hear the stream, I could hear branches and twigs snapping as animals ran throughout the forest. I could hear the flutter of two heartbeats inside signaling my siblings were here. Esme probably was cleaning as I could here things being put away, I felt as Jasper laid his hands on my shoulders as he watched me. 

I looked over at the tree that was the main base for most of our screaming matches, I remember punching it, breaking my hand, during my breakdown which led to my attempted suicide, which ended with me dating Jasper. Everything looks so different as a vampire, brighter, more detailed, I ran my hand over the bark which was stained in my blood. So many emotions and I couldn't comprehend most of them. Jasper said, "It isn't noticeable to the human eye." I said, "That week was a defining moment for me, well one of them." He said "And the other one?" my mind immediately went to finding out I was pregnant and losing it in the same second, it brought a heaviness to myself that I didn't like, so I shook myself off and said "I don't want to talk about that. It's in the past and will never be a future so let's leave it where it belongs." 

I was immediately pulled into a soft motherly hug making me gasp in surprise she said "I couldn't wait any longer." I looked up into the eyes of Esme Cullen and wrapped my arms around her hugging her back. I noticed both her and Jasper were soft and warm now, not cold or hard as stone. She kissed my temple then said, "I argued to bring you with us, I'm sorry my sweet girl." Alice said, "We need a shopping day." I said, "Alice your life is a shopping day." she pouted making everyone laugh as Alex hugged her. Alex's phone rang and he "B. We got to go." and he answered, "Hey dad." making me tense up I could strangely hear Charlie he said, "Are you both back yet?" Alex said "Yes." Charlie said, "Well, come home, a deputy said he saw her back in town." Alex said, "Yeah, she came back, why does it matter?" Charlie said "Where is she staying?" he said, "I don't know, she hasn't decided yet." Bella hugged me and whispered, "Shh, it's ok." I had stopped breathing and moving so she got concerned Bella took the phone from Alex and said "We'll be home soon dad." he said, "Alright Bells, make sure your sister knows she still isn't legally allowed on La Push, the restraining order is active till she is 18." Bella said "She knows." and hung up the phone. 

Alex hugged me as well "Will we see you at school tomorrow?" I sighed "Yeah sure," I pulled from their arms and took Alice's waiting hand letting her pull me into the house. We walked upstairs and she opened Jasper's door and said "Uh, we put your things in here, but if you want your own..." I cut her off leaning against the doorway and said "I don't care, as long as he is ok with it." she smiled "He is." she patted the bed so I smiled and sat next to her I said "This house has so many memories." she smiled and laid her head on my shoulder "I know, your future was ever-changing between living in the house or running away." I said "There are more happy memories than bad, I wasn't completely sure what I was doing until I drove past the driveway. As I got closer to the turn off I decided I couldn't stay here. One, I didn't know if you guys would be mad it's not exactly my house. Two, there are so many memories of him here, of the love we shared, and I wanted to forget him."

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