The Battle/The Volturi

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Two hours before we had to leave I was up, I threw my hair in a ponytail and dressed in this.

Two hours before we had to leave I was up, I threw my hair in a ponytail and dressed in this

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Jasper left to hunt and should be back any minute. I drank two blood bags so I was completely full and then I headed outside. I sat under a tree and put my headphones in and listened to music as I ran through different scenarios in my head. It wasn't looking good, in every single scenario either Jasper, Bella, or Alex died, I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my head in my arms. I tried again, Alice is going to see all the newborn's moves, Emmett is going to tear them apart as if it was a game, the wolves are going to work together, Rosalie is going to be ruthless, Carlisle and Esme are going to stay together, and Jasper is going to..." someone was shaking me so I looked up and took out the headphones to see Jasper and Alice crouched in front of me. 

Jasper said, "Are you ok, Rae?" I said, "No, but what are you gonna do." I stood up and Alice said, "Well let's go kill some newborns, so what were you doing?" I said "Uh... listening to music..." Jasper said "Now what were you really doing?" we headed to the field Jasper chose as the battleground. I said "Jazz, I was just thinking." he said, "All you are doing is coming up with ideas that aren't going to happen, and it's stressing you out." I said "Yeah well I can't help it because if I could, I wouldn't do it." we got to the field and Jasper wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear "Remember, ill be with you the entire time." I said, "I know." Alice said "Here they come." and we all ran into the fray, Jasper and Alice stuck close to me. She was seeing their moves before they made them, I was doing my best, and Jasper was keeping an eye on us. Alice said "Rae behind you." I spun around and saw Jasper get bit, I shoved the newborn to Emmett, Rosalie, and Carlisle and kneeled by Jazz "Are you ok?" Alice said "We can take care of ourselves Jazz." he said, "I don't care, I'm still going to take care of you both." 

After all the newborns except Bree were killed we gathered the pieces and put them in a fire. Jasper ripped off the bottom of his shirt and tied it around my bicep since I was bleeding. The venom is making it take a little bit longer to heal than normal. Edward, Alex, Bella, and Seth came down and Edward said "How long?" Alice said "A few minutes. Maybe ten." Rosalie said, "They timed their arrival well." Emmett said, "Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out." Edward spotted Bree and said, "What's she doing here?" Esme said, "We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting, she took it." Carlisle said "The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Bella said, "Where's Jacob?" Edward said "There... Leah, don't!" Leah charged at a newborn who yanked her off her paws causing Jake to leap on him and bit part of his face off. The newborn got his arms around him causing Bella and me to yell "Jacob!" I blurred to him while the pack destroyed the newborn. I pulled his head into my lap, and he mumbled "Mimi?" I said, "I'm here." 

 Edward and Carlisle appeared next to us, Edward grabbed Jacob's hand and said "Hold on, Carlisle is gonna take care of you." Carlisle said, "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." Bella and Alex finally dropped down next to us so Jake said "Bella. Alex." Bella and Alex said "Jake, we're right here." the pack came over now in human form. Leah said "Jacob, you idiot. I had it." Sam said "Leah." Carlisle said "I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting." Edward said "We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna win a fight with the Volturi." Sam said, "We'll take him back to Billy's." Carlisle said, "I'll be there as soon as I can." I said "Sam?" I pleaded with him, the guys picked him up and Sam hugged me then said "He will want you there, and so will Billy." I nodded and Bella said "Hang in there, Jake. We got you." Alice said, "They're here." 

We gathered in the center of the field, Jasper pulled me so I was against his chest and we were all surrounding Alex and Bella. A group of vampires appeared, a blonde small female and 4 black-haired males all with red eyes. The girl said "It appears you've done our work for us. Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Carlisle said "We were lucky." the girl said "I doubt that." the boy that looks like her said "It appears we missed an entertaining fight." the girl said "Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary." Edward said "If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose." the girl said "Pity. You missed one." she noticed Bree, Carlisle said, "We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Jane said "That wasn't yours to offer." she moved toward Bree and Carlisle gave Esme a look that said don't, and Jasper tightened his hold on me to keep me in place. Jane said "Why did you come?" instead of answering Bree screamed, I whispered, "What is happening?" Jasper mumbled, "Her power is mental pain." 

Esme said "They came to destroy us... to kill Bella and Alex." the girl ignored her and said, "Who created you?" I pulled from Jasper even though he tried to catch me, I stepped up and said "You don't need to be a heartless bitch. She'll tell you anything you want to know." The girl turned to me and said "Who are you?" I said "RaeLynn." Bree trying to save me said "I don't know Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." the girl zapped her again but Carlisle and Jasper grabbed my arms as Edward said "Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her." the girl looked at Edward all innocently Carlisle said "Edward. If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?" Jane said "Of course. Felix." a boy moved to Bree and Jasper whispered to me "Don't do anything." Esme said "She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance." Jane said "The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that they're still human."

Bella said, "The date is set." Jane said "Take care of that, Felix. I'd like to go home." While Felix tore her apart, Jane made her way to me "Who gave you the right to call me a bitch?" I said, "Pretty sure I gave myself the right." Jane said, "Carlisle what a brave human you have." Carlisle said, "She isn't human Jane." Jane said, "She is bleeding." I took off the strip of fabric and said "Actually I'm all healed up, I come from one of the original vampires, not a cold one." Jane said, "They are just rumors." Carlisle said, "I've seen them, Jane, she is telling the truth." Jane said, "Keep her in control, if she disrespects me again it will be the end of her." I rolled my eyes, and Carlisle and Jasper pushed me back to my siblings who hugged me. Jane "Thank you, Felix. Until next time." Felix through her pieces in the fire and they walked off, I pulled away from my siblings and blurred to the reservation. 

Once at the border I started to walk normally, Once I made it to Billy's house I stopped, I felt weird coming here because it's been so long since id been allowed. My mother's house was still there and empty, everyone was standing outside, I went and sat on the porch swing that my mom used to sing with me on. Carlisle pulled up and he said, "Billy has Rae shown up yet?" Billy said "I haven't seen her, why? Whats wrong?" Carlisle said, "We got questioned by the people who rule over us and she got into it with Jane and ran off." Billy said, "Sam told her she can come on the rez which means she is next door, Sue..." Sue said, "Yeah, ill go talk to her." Sue came over and said "Hey sweet girl." I said "Hi aunt Sue." she sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me so I laid my head on her chest. "What happened?" I said "This girl Jane was so mean, so one of the newborns Bree, she didn't even fight she hid, she couldn't be any older than 13 maybe 14. Carlisle and Esme offered to help her if she was good. But Jane tortured her and enjoyed it, it made me mad. Is that how vampires are? Cruel and ruthless?" Sue said "Well Vampires are like anyone else, some are bad like Jane, and some are good like you and the Cullens. Your mom used to say that you were too special to only live one life. She thought you would be with one of two guys. Embry, or the guy you always talked about in your dreams."

I smiled "It was Jasper." Sue said, "What was?" I said, "The dreams, it was Jasper, when I got back to town and confronted him he told me it wasn't dreams, it was him visiting me and since I was a kid I thought it was dreams and he let me believe it." She said, "Why did you come here instead of Billy's?" I said "Because I felt weird, I saw all of you outside and it's been so long since I've been allowed here. With Charlie and the restraining order..." Sue said, "Why did you get emancipated?" I said "Sam didn't tell you?" she said, "Sam knows?" I said, "I told him when he found Bella, but Charlie was abusing me, mentally and physically." she looked shocked "He hit you?" I said "Yeah." She said "Why didn't you tell any of us... SAMUEL ULEY!"

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