Jasper's Past

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Alice and I partnered up as Emmett and Rosalie fought and Edward and Carlisle fought. Jasper said "Focus on speed, agility, keep your opponent off guard... use their momentum against them. Yes... good." we finished up and Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett got in the jeep and took off. I grabbed Jasper's hand as he walked by me and went with him, Bella was sitting on the hood of the Volvo and she said "Jasper... is there anything I can do to help?" he said "Your presence alone, your scent will distract the newborns; their hunting instincts will take over, drive them crazy." she said "Good, I'm glad. How do you know so much about all of this?" He paused then said "I didn't have the same... fine upbringing as my adopted siblings." he tried to lead me away but Bella followed so he looked between both of us and then rolled up his sleeves to show his bite marks. 

Bella said "Those are bites. Like mine." he said "Battle scars. All the training the Confederate Army gave me was useless against the newborns. Still, I never lost a fight." Bella said "This was during the Civil War?" he nodded and we all started to walk as he said "I was the youngest Major in the Texas cavalry. All without having seen any real combat until..." Bella urged him forward "...Until..." he said "...Until I crossed paths with a certain... immortal... Maria..." he tightened his hold on my hand as he continued "I was riding back to Galveston after evacuation a column of women and children when I saw her... Southern gentleman that I was, I immediately offered her my aid." He stopped walking and hugged me to his chest, Bella sat on a fallen log and said "Maria was creating an army?" Jasper said "I was her second in command. Back then armies were common in the south. There were... constant brutal battles for territory. Maria won every battle. She was smart and careful. And she had me. My ability to control emotions served her well. I trained her newborns, an endless occupation since she never let them live beyond the first year... it was my job to dispose of them. I could feel... everything they felt."

Alice and Alex appeared as I wrapped my arms around Jasper and traced patterns into his side to calm him down, he said "I thought what Maria and I had was love. But I was her puppet. She pulled the strings, I didn't know there was another way... until I found Alice. She'd seen me coming of course." Alice chuckled "Kept me waiting long enough." he said "My apologies ma'am. She promised me a simple life, and you." he looked down at me "I don't know what I'd have become if it weren't for her, because she brought me to the Cullens, to you." He was clearly upset, still reeling from reliving that so I said "B, ill see you later, he is done talking for now." and I led him away.

He said, "Where are we going?" I said "I don't know, you just seemed upset talking about her and so I wanted to get you away from it. I hate seeing you upset Jazz." we ended up on a cliff so I sat down and waited for him to sit next to me, I said, "Is she still out there?" I was looking out at the horizon. He said "Like I said she is smart and careful, so yes I believe she is still out there somewhere. But she isn't going to take me from you if that's what your thinking." I shook my head "It's not, Alice told me how you were when you left... I don't think you'd do that again, even for your sire. No offense but she seemed like a crappy girlfriend." he said "Then why..." I said "I just needed to know if we may run into her, what if she is still mad you left and chooses to attack us like this whole Newborn thing? If she is older than you and has been winning battles for 100's of years, what if she comes for me because you love me." He brushed my hair behind my ear, turned my face to look at him, and said "If Maria or anyone else came to hurt you it would be the last thing they ever did." 

I said "Jazz..." he said, "I mean it, to get to you they have to get through me and no one will live long enough for that." I said "You didn't tell me the whole story last time, why?" he said "Because I knew you'd do this, I don't want you comparing yourself to her, I don't want you thinking anything except that I love you and will always choose you. You don't need to stress about her, she is the past I haven't seen or spoken to her in 68 years." I said "Im not stressing." he chuckled "Ok, fine obsessing." I said "Inquiring." he said, "About someone that I left 54 years before you were even born?" I said "No, about the only ex of yours I have a name for." he said "Why do you care?" he laid on his side and traced patterns into my thigh as I said "For a couple of reasons actually. It is a part of you, curiosity on what makes us similar since most people someone dates fall into a specific type and you must have loved her at some point since it still bothers you." 

He said "Yes I loved her, and I thought she loved me I was wrong. She isn't what bothers me with my past Rae." I said "I said "Then what? I want to understand, I don't like when you're upset Jazz." He said "The thing that bothers me is who I was. Baby girl, I killed countless humans just so I could survive, I killed endless newborns just because they lived for a year, and I felt all the pain and fear with every kill. Even feeling what they did I was still cruel, I never lost, I never hesitated until I started feeling mistrust from her. If Peter and Charlotte hadn't of come for me I would have killed her and who knows where I would have ended up. But I will never forget and will always regret that I did that." I said "So does this army coming for my siblings bring back memories?" he looked down so I leaned against his chest and pulled his arms around me as he said, "I don't want you in the battle." I said "Why?" he said, "Because you can get hurt or killed, Rae." I said "So could you." he said "I've never lost a battle, and this won't be my first, but if you insist on joining just... Stay close to me so I can protect you." I said "I promise, now let's go lay down." he said, "Your kind amazes me." I said "Why?" he said "You can still sleep and eat, you pass for human way better than the rest of us do." but he got up and followed me back to the cabin.

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