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Here's a tip, if you're trying to escape, leave your cellphone at home and don't run from the supernatural. I was running and it was freeing until someone's arms wrapped around me, I heard Damon's voice "Where are you going?" I said "To have fun, wanna join?" he whispered, "Oh absolutely." he ran his hand along my jaw, he kissed my neck and that's the last thing I remember. 

(Damon's POV)

I caught Rae running toward Canada, she asked if I wanted to have some fun, so I played along. I ran my fingers along her jaw and as I kissed her neck she closed her eyes reveling in the pleasure, then I snapped her neck. Jasper came out of the shadows and picked her up, holding her close. Once at the house he put her in his room before coming back down and said "How do we get her back? This isn't her." I said "You have to make her feel an emotion that is so strong she has no choice but to turn it back on. Whether that's Anger, Love, Grief. Something that shows her who she is. But also keep her away from humans, Rae wouldn't hurt anyone but this girl will kill without a second thought. Also Jasper I need you to understand she cannot feed, I have already taken her ring, so she needs to be in a dark place." he got defensive "Why can't she feed?" I said, "Because we need to weaken her, she will get blood but only enough to keep her from desiccating."  

(3rd POV)

The Cullen house was in disarray, Jasper refused to leave the room where Rae was chained in, Esme and Carlisle were heartbroken hearing her struggle against the chains. But every time one of the Cullen's tried to help her Damon threatened to take her away. Bella and Alex, locked out of the room due to being human, sat outside the door all day long, every day. Two weeks, two weeks of heartache, screaming, crying, if only they knew how she'd feel after she could feel. Jasper eventually broke her, she hadn't completely woken up for the day. He sat next to her and without Damon's knowledge who was hunting, he unchained her to hold her in his arms. He said "Baby Girl, I know you're in there, the real you not whoever this is. Please come back to me, I know losing Naomi was hard on you and I should have been there to help you. You had to birth her, and hold her knowing you couldn't keep her, and then I forced you into a life you didn't want."

He kissed her head and said "Please, come back to me, I need you, I love you, and I will always love you." she opened her eyes and said "I love you too." he looked down into her eyes and smiled, the last few weeks when he looked into her eyes he saw nothing, she wasn't there, but now, he saw her, she was beautiful, and her eyes sparkled and shone brightly. And then she started to cry. 

(Rae's POV)

I woke up but heard Jasper talking about Naomi and how he was sorry for missing her birth and cremation. How he needed me and loved me and all of the sudden something clicked like a switch flipped on. Once that happened all sorts of emotions hit me like a train, the happiness, and love I felt for Jasper, the grief I felt over my daughter and my life human life ending, the embarrassment of how I acted the last few weeks, and it all came out in crying, sobbing mess. He said, "Rae whats wrong?" I wrapped my arms around his neck sitting in his lap and laid my head on his chest as I said "Im sorry, I'm sorry for everything, I mean... god Jazz I tried to seduce you in victoria's secret." he chuckled "Yeah, you did, it almost worked too, until my sister got in the way." I giggled "Jazz you wouldn't have." he said "I don't think you realize just how sexy you looked in that corset." 

I shook my head at him "Oh yeah, black, leather, tight, and revealing, can't get better than that." he pulled on the collar of my shirt and said "I mean, it can..." I said "Jasper." he said "Ok, ok, let's get you fed, because your siblings are dying to get in here." there was a knock on the door and then it opened to reveal Damon. He came in and said, "How do you feel Rae?" I said "what don't I feel? I feel upset, disappointed, embarrassed about my actions, I hate that I remember what I did. I feel love for Jasper for sticking with me. I do apologize for trying to seduce you both." Damon said, "It could be worse." I said "How? That was embarrassing I don't act like that." He said "You could have killed someone, Rae, but you didn't. You didn't even attempt. Even a full bad vampire, you won't let yourself hurt someone else."

Damon handed me a water bottle, I flipped the cap and drank the blood. Jasper tensed but kept holding me to his chest. I sucked two bottles down and once I was contently sipping the third Damon let my siblings in and left the room. They hugged me and Bella said, "Are you OK?" I sighed "No, but I'll learn to live with the fact that I'm forever 16, and will never be a mommy. It's weird, I've always wanted kids then I started seeing Jasper and was OK with never having kids, but now that seems to be the hardest thing to comprehend." Alex said "That's because you wanted kids with Jasper so when he couldn't you were OK with it. Now he can have kids but you can't and he already said he wants them so you feel responsible." I nodded "I think that's why I flipped the switch because I'm afraid he will leave me for a human who can give him kids."

He put his finger under my chin lifting so I looked into his gorgeous eyes and said "That will never happen, I wanted kids but only because they would be a part of you. I wanted a little girl that looked identical to you. Since you can't have my kids then I don't want them." I said, "I love you Jasper, and I love you both as well." I pulled my siblings into a hug making Jasper adjust his hands to hug all three of us. As they both said, "I love you too Rae." Bella said, "Sing?" I smiled "OK I've had a song running through my head." And I started to sing as my siblings sat next to us.

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