17 Years of RaeLynn!

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I woke up being jumped on and heard Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena screaming "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAE RAE!!!" I sat up and smiled, Jasper and I had been jumped on by all three girls. Caroline immediately pulled me from the bed and shoved me in the bathroom and said "Get showered and whatever you were planning on wearing you aren't anymore." I showered and came out in my towel and said "Then what am I wearing?" Caroline handed me a bag so I took the clothes out and got dressed.

I looked at myself in the mirror and said "You do realize Coachella was last month right?" Bonnie said, "See I told you it gives Coachella vibes

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I looked at myself in the mirror and said "You do realize Coachella was last month right?" Bonnie said, "See I told you it gives Coachella vibes." Caroline said "Ok Jasper we'll be back later." she grabbed my hand and pulled me from my room, Jasper grabbed me before Caroline could completely kidnap me and said, "Have fun and be safe." I said "I'll do my best." he rolled his eyes but smiled and kissed me before letting her drag me away.

(Damon's POV)

The girls whisked the birthday girl away, and once the door closed Elena said "I thought he wasn't going to let you go, Stefan and Damon are always telling me what to do." Rae said "Jasper wouldn't dare, but honestly sometimes I think he should, I do some dumbass shit. No, but really he is correct. Im always the one starting something, I'm hoping if I wait long enough he will take control." the car drove away and I said, "Well that was interesting." Stefan said, "Leave him alone Damon." Jasper said, "Do you two argue all the time?" I said, "Yeah pretty much, the only thing we agree on is keeping Rae and Elena safe. Jasper any idea what's going on with her?" he sighed and sat down I looked at him amused "That bad?" he said "Before I was turned I was a major in the confederacy and this last battle we just did... I was the only one who knew how to defeat newborns and so I let my major side out and she has been interested in it." Stefan said, "You were a confederate?" Jasper said, "I was, I managed to persuade my way in just before my 17th birthday, it took 2 years for me to become Major."

I said "Let's go to the grill." so we all got up and headed out, once at the grill, the girls were dancing and Rae was singing and dancing on top of the bar. But it was like magnets the second we walked she saw him. She was singing this.

(Rae's POV)

The boys walked in and immediately I caught Jasper's attention. He walked to the bar so I sat down on it and he held his hand out for me. Without hesitation, I placed my hand in his. He pulled me from the bar and spun me as well as began to dance. As I finished singing the last dibs he kissed me making me kiss back. The girls were awed making me blush. I said, "What are you doing?" Damon said, "I figured you girls were here, though I didn't expect the bar show." I said, "You guys wouldn't have gotten one had I known you were coming." Jasper said, "But I liked what I saw." Elena said "We asked her to sing since we love her voice. Caroline is the one who put her on the bar. Damon said, "What I want to know is how you knew to move like that." I said, "Instincts, I just sang and let my body move to the music." Jasper said, "Alright birthday girl, we brought presents." We gathered around a table and I sat down. Elena handed me a bag and I started to open presents.

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