Final Training

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I woke up contently wrapped in his arms, his hands resting on my bare stomach. I was too content to move even when he kissed my cheek "Morning Beautiful." I mumbled "Good morning Handsome." he moved like he was going to get up and I freaked and pulled his arm closer to me, he said, "Whats wrong?" I said "Don't leave me, please." he said, "I wasn't, I was just getting up." I said "Jazzy please..." he rubbed the hand I wasn't holding hostage up and down my side soothing me as he asked, "Is this about tomorrow?" I looked down and played with the watch on his wrist as I said "Im scared, an army is coming to kill us, I could lose you tomorrow. Cant the family is without you for one day? All I'm asking is one day." he said "I love you more than life itself, and I would love nothing more than to lay in this bed all day with you. However, this is the last time we have to train, you can be by my side all day if you so choose, but I do have to go make sure everyone is ready for tomorrow. I promise after the threat is over we can spend an entire day in bed. Besides don't you want to see your siblings before they go up the mountain this afternoon?" I said "Fine, i guess ill go get dressed." I got up and dressed in this. 

Then I brushed my hair and threw it in two braids, before grabbing Jasper's sweatshirt and pulling it on

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Then I brushed my hair and threw it in two braids, before grabbing Jasper's sweatshirt and pulling it on. I love it because one it smells like him, two it's very big on me, and three it says J. Hale on the back. I came out of the closet and he said "Ready?" I grabbed his hand lacing our fingers together while also wrapping my other arm around his arm hugging it to my chest. We headed out to the Cullen backyard since we were training without the wolves. Once there I was tackled to the snow causing Jasper to growl and pull me into his arms until he saw it was just my sister. He let me go and I hugged her, I said "Whats with the football move sis?" she said nothing, but she handed me her hand and I saw the rock on her finger making me squeal. I hugged her again "I am so happy for you! So?" 

Bella said, "You really want to know don't you?" I nodded and she pulled me away from the group a little bit and said "I tried and failed at seducing him, what man tells you to stop trying to take your clothes off? I mean did Jazz ever tell you to keep them on?" I said, "Uh no, I don't think that's in his vocabulary." Bella pulled on my arm as she begged me "Oh wise little sister please grace me with thy knowledge? I must know." I laughed "What specifically do you want to know?" she said "He was a vampire and you were human how did you convince him? And on the first day of actually dating no less." I said "Well Jasper was never concerned with souls and virtues like Edward is. It wasn't hard, to get him to just touch me I took off my shirt and said please, for actually doing it he asked if I was sure and I told him I needed him. It wasn't like I was yanking on a broken chain, he wanted me and I wanted him. I don't know how to help you B." she sighed "He just says he wants to leave one rule unbroken, to save my soul." I said, "Sorry sis, guess your gonna have to get married fast then." 

Bella said, "Jasper is older than Edward, how come he isn't waiting till marriage?" I said "Yeah but by the time Edward was of dating age Jasper had already been a vampire for 53 years. And premarital sex didn't become taboo until the end of the 19th century." Bella said, "Im not good at history so expand." I laughed "Ok, the 19th century went from 1801to 1900. Jasper was born in that time period, but Edward was born in 1901, so he was born in the first year of the 20th century. So by the time, he was of courtship age it was taboo, but then he was turned, and starting in the 1920s, especially after WWII it became common and by the time we were born about 75% of Americans were having sex before age 19." she said, "How do you know all this?" I said, "I researched it of course." Alex walked up and Bella said, "Did you know Rae researched premarital sex?" Alex said "You're surprised? This is the same girl that at 11 years old could tell you every U.S war, when it was, if we won, and what she would do differently. Don't ask her what she researches and you won't have this problem." 

Alice ran over and said, "So did you figure it out yet?" I said "Not yet." Bella said "What?" I said, "I want to figure out how to use that to my benefit." I turned her and pointed to Major Jasper calling out orders." Bella smacked me "You're terrible." I said, "I know, but it's hot watching him take control like that." Alice said, "You know they heard your whole conversation right?" I said, "I know." Bella slapped me again as she blushed "I didn't!" Alex said, "You know that means Jasper just heard your whole plan." I said, "Maybe I should yell it." Jasper glared at me and growled in warning. Alice and I started laughing Alex said "What?" Alice said "He growled at her, ok distraction over, Bella, Alex go meet Edward. It's time." that sobered the mood in seconds. I hugged them, then Alice did and we watched them walk away and my mood dropped to depression real quick.

Alice said, "You ok?" I threw on a fake smile and said "Yeah, it will all be ok. Everyone will be ok." she said "Jasper?" I denied access to that thought and said "No, he will be ok, he has to be." she linked her arm with mine and dragged me to the family. They were all training but Jasper walked over and held his hand out to me so I let go of her and laced our fingers together and hugged his arm to my chest as he said "Alice, don't give her any thoughts, she has enough of her own." and we walked around as everyone trained and he occasionally gave out orders. They trained well into the night before Jasper said "Ok stop, we're done. We don't have much longer before they will be here..." I said "5 hours." he glanced at me and said "Stop counting the time Rae. We're done training." Emmett said, "I'd like to know how you did it?" Jasper said "Did what?" he said, "Conduct a hard-core training session with her attached to you for 16 hours." Jasper said, "I like having her next to me, just ask Rose I'm sure she knows." I giggled as Emmett went pouting to Rose.

We all went inside and Jasper led us to our room in the main house, he said "Rae, I need you to stop worrying so much." I sat in his chair, pulled my legs to my chest, and pulled the hoodie over them laying my head on my knees "I can't help it, and I can't believe you're not worried." he sat on the bed after throwing his shirt in the hamper and pulled the chair to him "Im not worried because in 141 years I've never lost a fight, this won't be the first, and you won't be out of my reach so I know I won't lose you either." I said "But how do you know? It's a fight anything can happen." he said "Do you trust me?" without hesitation I responded "1000%," he said, "Then trust that I've done this enough times to know it's an easy win. Why don't you sleep?" I said "I can't sleep, it's happening in 4 hours and 35 minutes." he raised an eyebrow at me "What are you doing, counting the seconds?" I looked at the bookshelf and he groaned "RaeLynn, don't do this to yourself, stop counting." I said "I can't." he said, "We need to distract you then." I smiled "What do you have in mind?" I squealed as he grabbed a fistful of the sweatshirt and my right thigh before yanking me into his lap. I said "But we can't, they are across the hall." he said, "Oh my sweet baby girl, you're in a house of vampires, all the bedrooms are soundproof so we can." I giggled as he turned to lay me on the bed and attacked me with kisses. 

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