A Bludger to the Head

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••• A few months later •••

You just got home from Muggle school and were now running up the stairs to grab your broom. It had been a long day. Long division and fractions hurt your brain and you just needed to fly. Soon you were in the backyard, diving and swooping around the goalposts. You loved the sensation of wind whipping through your hair as you flew. It was magnificent. You then dove to the ground and picked up a quaffle. You easily scored a few goals and sighed. You missed your brother, who was at Hogwarts. It was so hard to be stuck in your last year of Muggle school before going to wizarding school with Ollie. Your parents insisted that you needed to attend the nearby Muggle school before Hogwarts, but you really didn't think it was essential for your salvation. It was hard to fit in when you knew that you didn't belong in that world at all.

You scored a few more goals before doing some loops and dives. That's when you spotted a tawny owl flying toward you from a distance. You immediately recognized it as Coelho, Oliver's owl. Oliver had picked Coelho out when your family was at Diagon Alley to buy Oliver's school supplies for his first year at Hogwarts. Coelho was named after João Coelho, the captain of the Tarapoto Tree-Skimmers, in typical Quidditch-obsessed Ollie fashion. You sped over to Coelho, who hooted happily when you approached. There was a letter tied to his leg and you could make out your brother's writing on the front. You raced Coelho to the house. Once you landed, the owl landed upon your shoulder. You then darted inside at once.

"Mum!" you called, "Coelho is here! He's brought a message from Oliver!" Coelho hopped onto the nearest chair. Your adopted mother, Adelaide, appeared in the doorway.

"I'm so glad he's finally written!" your mum said as she untied the letter from Coelho's leg. She shuffled through a couple of pages and smiled.

"This one is for you, dear," said Adelaide as she landed a piece of parchment to you. You grinned and eagerly read the letter from your brother. It said:

I GOT ON THE TEAM. I can't believe it! Charlie Weasley, the new captain, was really impressed with my tryout. He's a nice bloke- he has 6 siblings and is obsessed with dragons. Get this- he even has two brothers that are starting next year, like you.
My first game is next week. It's quite exciting. i wrote to Mum and Dad asking if you all can pay a visit to Hogwarts to watch me play. Fingers crossed.
Lots of love,

You started jumping up and down.

"Ollie did it, Mum! He's on the team!" you cheered. Adelaide smiled at you.

"Were we even worried? Once your father comes home, we'll talk about taking a day trip to Hogwarts next week to watch Oliver play,"

You nodded eagerly and ran up to your room to grab a quill to write back to your brother.


A week later, you held tightly to your father's arm and squeezed your eyes shut. You hated side-along apparition, but couldn't wait to see Oliver play quidditch. After a jerk, you opened your eyes and saw the village of Hogsmeade. There was Zonko's Joke Shop, Honeydukes, and many other buildings full of wizards and witches doing their shopping. A wizard noticed you and your father and headed over.

"Bennett! What brings you to Hogsmeade?" the wizard asked. Your father drew the man into a hug, a wide smile on his face.

"Remus Lupin! Just here to see-," your father started, but you cut over him.

"Ollie's first match! It's today. He's the Gryffindor keeper," you said, barely containing your excitement. Lupin and Bennett laughed.

Heartbeats: Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now