To The Whomping Willow

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Now that O.W.L.s and the quidditch season were over, you had time to embark on a new journey. You wanted to learn as much as you could about your blood mother and find out who your father was. This had been a dream of yours since you were young, yet you had no real clues until Professor Lupin had given you the photograph of your mother. You had wanted to do some digging sooner, but you hadn't had time. But now that you did, you already had a few ideas on where to go.

The first was talk again to Professor Lupin. You and your professor seemed to have a mutual understanding not to speak about the photograph. Your mother had meant something to him and you could tell it had been hard to talk about the first time. But you had so many questions. How had Professor Lupin met your mother? What was she like?

The second idea was contacting the headmistress at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She might have known your mother and father, if he had attended. If not, she could point you toward school records and history.

After your time outside, you, Fred, George, and Lee went into the Great Hall to eat dinner. The four of you sat near Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

"How were your exams?" you asked Hermione.

"Oh, um, great!" said Hermione. She looked extremely distracted.

"You alright? Is everything okay?" you said. Hermione sighed and shook her head.

"No. Hagrid lost the appeal for Buckbeak. The Ministry is going to execute Buckbeak at sunset," she said.

"No!" you said, "They can't do that! It's Malfoy's fault, not Buckbeak's,"

"There isn't much we can do," muttered Ron.

"I'm so sorry guys," you said. You looked at Harry. The front of his robes looked rather lumpy. You raised your eyebrows at him.

"What?" the boy asked. He had quickly folded his arms, hiding the lump, and gave you a forcibly confused look.

So, Harry was hiding his father's invisibility cloak in his robes, which meant the trio were going to visit Hagrid tonight. You lowered your voice.

"If you're not back an hour after sunset, I'm going to come find you and bring you back to the castle," you nearly whispered.

"Who said we're leaving the castle?" asked Ron, a mock look for surprise on his face. 

"It's obvious," you said, rolling your eyes, "I just want you guys to be safe," The trio nodded. They knew they couldn't argue with you. You then turned back to Fred, George, and Lee's conversation about joke shop items.


"Y/N?" said Fred. You, the twins, and Lee were in the common room. "You're pacing again,"

"Oh, I didn't notice," you laughed nervously and sat on the couch next to Fred in the common room. George and Lee were playing a game of exploding snap near you.

"What's going on?" Fred asked you.

"Nothing, nothing," you muttered. The trio would be fine. They had thirty more minutes to get back up to the castle. Fred gave you a look. You knew he didn't buy it. "Any ideas for the joke shop?" you asked.

"Yeah!" said Fred, thankful to distract you. He pulled out a notebook and showed you a page. "These toffees make your tongue grow. They're almost finished,"

"Have you tested them yet?"

"Not officially. We haven't found a way to stop the tongue growing yet. On the next page is our ingenious headless hats. They make your head invisible. Not sure how to extend the invisibility charm yet, but-,"

Fred went on like this for awhile. You loved seeing him talk about his future joke shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. His eyes got all bright and he started to talk a lot faster. It was adorable. You shook your head to scatter your thoughts, remembering what had Lee said earlier. Maybe after the trio had returned and you found out about your blood parents you would you explore your feelings for Fred Weasley. You checked your watch. It was 9:00 pm. Harry, Ron, and Hermione should have been back by now. You stood up.

"I need to, uh, go see Madam Pomfrey," you said to Fred. He looked at you, confused.

"Why? Do you want me to come?" he asked, starting to stand up.

"Lady things," you said, "Just stay here. I'll be back!" You scrambled toward the portrait hole. Fred watched you go. He knew you were up to something. You just hoped he trusted you enough. It would be quite awful if Fred did turn up in the Hospital Wing asking for you.

You ran down the flights of stairs and to the Entrance Hall. You had your wand out, ready for whatever may happen. Your plan was to go to Hagrid's and then follow the trail to find Harry, Hermione, and Ron.


You had just ran into someone. You fell backwards onto the floor.

"Shit, it better not be Filch," you thought and looked up. It certainly was not Filch. You saw Professor Lupin. His eyes were clouded with concern.

"Y/N, what is going on? Why are you here?" Professor Lupin asked. He kept glancing around and you could tell he was keen to go somewhere.

"Harry, Ron, and Hermione," you spluttered, as the man helped you onto your feet again, "They went down to Hagrid's and I told them I'd find them if they didn't come back. They haven't come back so I need to find them," Professor Lupin smiled slightly.

"You're a great friend, Y/N," he said, "I know where they are. We need to hurry, if you'd like to accompany me," Professor Lupin said. He didn't ask you to stay in the castle. Lupin seemed to know that you would go with him regardless. You nodded and you and the professor rushed out onto the grounds.

You ran only a few steps behind Professor Lupin. He led you to the Whomping Willow. When you were relatively close to the tree, Lupin grabbed a long stick that was on the ground. He prodded a knot near the roots of the Whomping Willow. Suddenly the aggressive tree froze. Professor Lupin led you to a hole near the tree base. You immediately realized where you and Professor Lupin were going.

On the Marauder's Map, there was a secret passageway located here. You, the twins, and Lee had never been able to use it though because of the violent tree planted practically on top of it. You didn't question how your professor knew about it. Professor Lupin dropped down into the tunnel and waited for you.

Once you entered, you and Lupin took off, running as fast as you could. There were many roots growing out of the sides of the earthy tunnel. A few times you almost tripped on them. Lupin had an unreadable expression on his weathered face.

You knew Sirius Black must be with Ron, Harry, and Hermione at the end of the tunnel.

Heartbeats: Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now