Herbology and Parchments

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You walked through the cold November air on the way to Herbology the next morning. The feeling woke you up slightly; you had hardly slept the night before. All you thought about was Fred. You desperately wanted to talk to him and tell him how much he means to you. But you couldn't. You had to wait until he was ready.

You entered the Herbology classroom and stopped. You usually sat in between Cedric and Fred, but sitting by Cedric would confirm Fred's worst fears. You decided against taking your usual seat. As you glanced around, looking for a different spot, you noticed that all the seats anywhere near Cedric were already taken anyway.

The Hufflepuff was completely surrounded by girls of various houses. They were all giggling at something he said. You bit back a laugh. Naturally the school champion would get literally everyone hitting on him. Cedric caught your eye.

"Hey, Y/N!" he said. He stood up and walked over to you. All the girls scowled in your direction.

"Hi, Cedric," you replied, sitting down at an empty spot and taking out your Herbology book.

"Have you and Fred made up yet?" he asked quietly, "I tried to find you yesterday to ask, but you were nowhere to be seen,"

"I was on the Quidditch Pitch," you said, "And no. I'm waiting for Fred to talk to me. He said yesterday he needed space and I'm going to give him some,"

"That's brave of you,"

"I guess," you mumbled. You looked up at Cedric. His eyes were empathetic.

"Cedric!" sang a Slytherin girl, "I have a question!"

"Um, okay, one second!" Cedric said, before turning back to you. "Is it alright if I-?"

"Yeah," you laughed, "Best indulge your fans," He rolled his eyes, but smiled. Cedric walked back. You checked the clock. One minute until bell. Fred would be here any second. You glanced at the door. Sure enough, your best friend walked in. You looked down at your book. Maybe he would come sit by you? 

But he didn't. Fred took a seat closer to the front beside Kenneth Towler. Kenneth looked at Fred, surprised, and then glanced in your direction. Your heart sank.

"Alright everyone!" Professor Sprout called, "Let's get going!"


Fred didn't accompany you to Care of Magical Creatures after Herbology like he usually did. Instead, he grabbed his books and rushed out of the greenhouse. You hung out with Angelina and Alicia most of the day because they had both Care of Magical Creatures and Defense Against the Dark Arts with you. It was hard paying attention in your classes. Fred clouded your thoughts.

At lunch, you sat with your fellow Gryffindor chasers as well. It was nice being with them. You and Angelina had really started to become friends. As you ate, Connolly, your owl, swooped over to you.

"Your owl is beautiful, Y/N," said Alicia as Connolly landed on the table. Connolly hooted at her as if to say 'thank you'. Alicia laughed. You took the letter off of the owl's leg and opened it. It was from your uncle. You quickly read.

Thank you for writing to me, but don't worry. I already know that Sirius is back in the country. It would hard to keep him away, seeing that Harry is in the Triwizard Tournament. Dumbledore notified me about it. Sirius and I are not sure what is going on, but someone must be trying to harm Harry. There is no other explanation. I don't want to distract you, but please continue to keep an eye on Harry. Look out for anything and anyone doing something suspicious.
Stay safe, my dear. Write Madame Maxime a letter when you're ready to talk with her about Carmela. Let me know what you find out about your mother.
I love you dearly. Let me know if you need anything at all.

You smiled at your uncle's letter. It was the first genuine grin that had broke over your face since Harry's name came out of the Goblet of Fire.

"I've got to go write a few letters," you told Angelina, Alicia, and Katie, "Want to meet in Gryffindor Tower after?"

"Sure!" said Katie. Alicia and Angelina nodded. Connolly fluttered to your shoulder and you walked out of the Great Hall. You headed down the corridors of Hogwarts. Eventually you found a bench near the Hospital Wing to write. You pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill from your bag and responded to your uncle, saying that you would look after Harry. You thought about telling him about you and Fred's fight, but decided against it. He would probably barge into Hogwarts with Sirius on his heels to interrogate Fred.

Once you had finished with the first letter, you blew on the ink to help it dry. Then you turned to another piece of parchment. You wrote:

Dear Madame,
My name is Y/N Wood. I am the daughter of Carmela Lupin. I know my uncle, Remus Lupin, wrote to you this summer and said I was trying to figure out more about my parents. Would you mind meeting with me sometime soon?
Thank you very much.
Y/N Wood

After you had finished your letter to Madame Maxime, Connolly obediently fluttered down in front of you so you could tie the two pieces of parchment to his leg. After you did so, your stroked his fluffy head.

"Thank you, Connolly," you said. Your owl hooted softly. You carried him over to an open window and watched as he soared into the air.

Thoughts filled your mind as you leaned slightly out the window. You knew you had to wait for Fred to want to talk to you, but it was killing you inside to see him hurting and avoiding you. You liked him more than you wanted to admit. You put your face in your hands. It was obvious why you weren't in Ravenclaw; it seriously took you this long to figure out your feelings for Fred and Fred's feelings for you. And now you might've ruined it whatever chance you had with him. But you could honestly care less about that. All you wanted was your best friend by your side again.


Author's Note:
I wanted to first thank everyone for reading! It means so much to me. Second, I'm sorry I haven't been updating! College midterms are driving me crazy. After this week, I'll be able to get back to writing this instead of essays. I hope you're doing well, lovelies!

Heartbeats: Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now