Career Meetings

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The Gryffindor quidditch team began to practice even more than before. Ravenclaw had flattened Hufflepuff in the last match and Gryffindor was, like you had told Oliver, not truly out of the running, but you could not afford to lose another game. Oliver's manic energy had returned and he was now working your team as hard as before.

After one particularly tough training session, you, Fred, and George returned to the common room, exhausted. Before you even had the chance to sit down, Lee grabbed your arm.

"Did you guys see the new post on the bulletin?" he asked.

"Shove off, Lee," an exhausted George said, "If it's not Hogsmeade, it's not important,"

"It kind of is, Weasley," said Lee, "We're having career meetings with McGonagall this week,"

"I still can't believe we're in our fifth year," you said, shaking your head in wonder.

"I know right," said Fred to you, "The day I turned all your clothes pink in our first year seems like yesterday,"

"Or when you cried for a week because you couldn't block that bludger that broke my nose in second year," you laughed. Fred and you exchanged memories until you reached the bulletin board. Sure enough, there was an announcement saying that the fifth years.

"Look!" George said, "Y/N's first, then followed by Freddie, me, and finally Lee,"

"Do you reckon McGonagall will let us go in together?" Fred asked his twin, "We're both just going to say we're opening a joke shop and don't care about O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s," You smiled at this. You had supported the twin's dream of a joke shop since they told you about it in your first year. You knew they'd make it happen. Anything was possible with Fred and George Weasley.

"I don't think McGonagall will be very happy about that," you laughed, "I still think you both should take your O.W.L.s semi-seriously,"

"We are!" said George, gasping.

"Yeah, we're actually showing up!" Fred said, "We should pass just for that!"


You, Fred, George, and Lee walked to McGonagall's office the next day. You already knew what you wanted to do for a career after graduating from Hogwarts, but it was still freaky to think about. Once you reached the office, McGonagall poked her head out.

"Oh, Ms. Wood, come in," she said. You gave a little wave of goodbye to the boys. Professor McGonagall gestured you to sit in the seat in front of her desk once the door shut behind you.

"Good afternoon, Professor," you said. Professor McGonagall gave you a rare smile. She rather liked you, even though you often got into trouble with the twins and Lee.

"Good afternoon," she replied, "Have you thought about life after Hogwarts?"

"Yes. I want to be a healer, but a professional quidditch player would be a dream come true,"

"A healer!" your teacher said, shuffling through a stack of pamphlets, "A great profession. What inspired that idea?"

"Madam Pomfrey. She's always been kind to me. When I was born, she was there. I want to help others like that,"

"You'll need a handful for O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s for that. I'd suggest definitely continuing on with Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, and Alchemy after this year. History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures also may be helpful. If you pass those O.W.L.s, I'll ask Poppy if she'll let you come and intern for her next year. I'm sure she'd be more than happy to let you,"

"Sounds good, Professor," you said, and then asked, "Do you think I'll do well on my O.W.L.s?"

"Oh, Ms. Wood," said Professor McGonagall, "I'm sure you'll be fine. Focus extra hard on potions and herbology, but I'm sure you'll pass. Your future patients will be in good hands," You smiled.

"Thank you, Professor," you said and stood up, about to walk out of the door.

"One more thing, Wood," she called. You turned to look at your teacher. "I'm quite impressed you get anything done with Jordan and the Weasleys trailing you at all times," You laughed and left the office. Fred and George smiled at you before entering.

"How was it?" asked Lee.

"Great," you said, "I'll need quite a few O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s to be a healer, but I've got this," Lee gave you a high-five. "Wait, what do you want to go into?"

"Commentating," Lee said. He looked slightly embarrassed. "I love it. It's fun. Hope there's some sort of a future there," You grinned.

"You'll be brilliant at that, Lee. Don't worry," you assured him. He grinned at you.

After chatting a bit with Lee, Fred and George walked out of Professor McGonagall's office. The professor looked a bit flabbergasted and gestured Lee into her office.

"So, how'd it go?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Thought we were nutters," Fred said.

"Threatened to owl Mum," continued George

"And we said our mum already knew,"

"But that isn't going to stop us,"

"Nice job," you said, laughing. The three of you waited for Lee in the corridor. George was busy talking to Angelina, who was next in line after Lee, while you and Fred sat, leaning against a wall. Suddenly, the boy turned to you.

"Do you really think Georgie and I will make it?" Fred asked quietly. You turned to look at him.

"Without a doubt, Freddie. Without a doubt," you replied.

Heartbeats: Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now