Aging Potion

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When you entered Fred, George, and Lee's dormitory, you immediately felt like you were back in the twin's room at the Burrow. It was packed with joke items and boxes for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. As the boys straightened up a few things, you looked around the dormitory. A familiar piece of parchment that was tacked to the wall caught your eye. It was the List of Gits Fred and George made last year. You went over and examined it closely. First place now read Filch, followed by Draco Malfoy and Percy Weasley. Fred came and stood next to you.

"I can't believe you kept this," you said, "Why is Filch at the top now?"

"Oh, remember when he threatened you before we went into Hogsmeade last year? We all deemed it appropriate to change the order," Fred said. You laughed.

"Ready, Y/N?" asked George. You turned around and saw that the room was now slightly more organized and Lee's cauldron was now on the floor. You grinned and nodded.

"Do any of you have a bowl?" you asked. Fred handed you one. You muttered a spell. The bowl filled up with brilliant blue flames. You set the flames underneath the cauldron. "Where's the book?" George threw it at you and you caught it easily.

"Damn, wanted to see you miss you," said George. You rolled your eyes.

"George, I'm Y/N Wood," you said, "Books are nothing compared to quaffles," You opened to the right page and read over the instructions.

"How may we assist you, Madame Wood?" asked Fred. You grinned at him before turning to Lee.

"Well, Lee, can you make a potion base?" you asked.

"Sure can!" said Lee.

"Great. Do that so we can start adding Aging Potion ingredients right when I get back. I'll leave Advanced Potion Making with you and George," you said, "I'm going to get the black powdered tortoise shells. They're only found in Snape's personal storeroom. Fred, want to come with me and steal from our dear Potions teacher?

"Thought you'd never ask," said Fred.


You and Fred easily walked through the dark hallways towards the Tapestry Corridor. The two of you had plenty of practice sneaking around Hogwarts.

"So," Fred whispered as the two of you walked down one of the hidden passageways to the first floor, "Why did you put on a fake smile after coming down from your dormitory?"

"Angelina said some things," you said, pausing and listening for footsteps for a split second before continuing. "It's alright though,"

"May I ask what she said?" Fred said.

"Just stuff about how she fancies you and George and doesn't appreciate how close I am to the two of you," you replied.

"Bet you didn't take that well," Fred laughed.

"Of course not," you said, smiling. You and Fred finally reached the Tapestry Corridor. The two of you moved to a door at the end of the hall. You took out your wand and easily unlocked the door.

Snape's storage room was cramped. The walls were lined with jars holding various objects.

"What are we looking for again?" Fred whispered.

"Black powdered tortoise shells," you whispered back. You and Fred began scanning the shelves. You had to hand it to Snape; he was pretty organized.

Heartbeats: Fred Weasley x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ