Meeting with Madame Maxime

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You stood in front of the mirror in your dormitory on November 23rd and took a deep breath. You glanced at the clock. It was time to meet Madame Maxime at the Beauxbatons carriage. You walked out of the dormitory and into the Gryffindor common room.

"You've got this, Y/N!" said George, who was suddenly hugging you. You smiled and hugged him back. You had told George and Lee about your meeting weeks ago when you received the letter from Madame Maxime.

"Thanks, Georgie," you replied. Lee pulled you out of George's arms and into his own.

"We're so excited for you!" Lee said.

"I'll talk to you guys once I get back," you said, "Okay?"

"Okay," George said. You waved goodbye to your best friends and walked out of the portrait hole. You tried to stay calm, but your heart was going a million miles an hour. It was full of nervous energy. You eventually reached the large front doors. You pushed them open and headed out into the autumn air. It was a pleasant day and a light breeze ruffled your hair.

When you reached the Beauxbatons carriage, you examined the crest on its door. Your blood mother had studied under that crest. This thought sent a warm feeling through your chest. You knocked on the door. It opened almost instantly. Fleur Delacour stood inside the carriage. You recognized her immediately; she was the champion for Beauxbatons.

"Hello," she said, "Are you Y/N Wood?"

"Yes," you said. Fleur smiled.

"Come in," she said, beckoning to you. You stepped up into the carriage. The interior was decorated like a French castle. You gapped around. "Beautiful, yes?" Fleur asked. You nodded.

"It's gorgeous!" you answered. Fleur flicked her sheet of silvery blonde hair over her shoulder.

"It is like this at our castle," she said, "It is nice to have a bit of home here at Hogwarts,"

"I'm sure," you said. Fleur led you through a few hallways. You realized that the carriage must be like the tents you and the Weasleys' used at the Quidditch World Cup, magically enlarged inside. The ceilings were quite tall and the halls were about as wide as a room. You realized that these accommodations must be for Madame Maxime. Eventually you and Fleur arrived in a waiting area.

"Madame's office is through there," Fleur said, indicating two polished oak doors, "I will stay with you until she calls you in,"

"Alright," you said, sitting on one of the chairs that lined the room. Fleur sat next to you. You started to play with the Gryffindor lion charm on your necklace. It was the one Fred had given you last year for Christmas. Your nerves were bubbling in your stomach.

"Is that necklace from the red-headed twin?" asked Fleur, amusement in her voice. Your jaw dropped.

"What?" you said, stunned, "Can you read minds or something?" Fleur laughed.

"No!" she said, giggling, "He just looks at you all the time. My friends and I have noticed. Obviously we were looking for hot Hogwarts boys. The twins definitely make the list. Just one of them seems to have his eye on you,"

"Which twin?" you asked.

"The one that doesn't talk to you," Fleur said. Hearing a complete stranger say that Fred didn't talk to you hurt on a different level.

"Oh," you mumbled. Fleur looked at you, sympathy on her face.

"I'm sorry. I must've touched a nerve,"

"No, it's fine," you said, then words suddenly came tumbling out. You told Fleur everything, from how you and Fred had been best friends since the two of you met to how you had finally realized you fancied him to the argument and Fred's face when he saw you with Cedric.

Heartbeats: Fred Weasley x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang