A Goodbye

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You woke up the next day feeling refreshed. Your side didn't ache as much now, which was a great relief. Alicia was the only one in your dormitory current. Angelina must be in the bathroom.

"Thank goodness you're awake!" said Alicia, "Fred's been waiting at the bottom of the stairs for you all morning,"

"What?" you said, laughing, "Really?"

"Yeah," Alicia grinned, "He really does fancy you, Y/N,"

"Better not let Angelina hear you saying that. She wouldn't be too happy,"

"Oh, she definitely wouldn't be,"

You bid Alicia goodbye and walked down the stairs to the common room. Fred was, indeed, waiting for you.

"Y/N!" Fred said, "I-,"

"He's been waiting for you since dawn," laughed George, who was standing by his twin. Fred rolled his eyes.

"C'mon, let's go get breakfast," you said. You, George, and Fred all went down to the Great Hall. There you met Lee.

"Hey, dudes," said Lee, looking up. You slid onto the bench next to him, helping yourself to the food in front of you. Fred sat opposite of you with George to his right.

"Mails here," George said. You glanced upwards briefly before going back to your breakfast. Suddenly you felt an owl land on your shoulder. It was Connolly, your screech owl. He set a letter down on your plate. You immediately recognized the handwriting. It was from Bennett Wood, your adopted father. You quickly opened it. It read:

Are you alright? Ollie wrote to us yesterday and said that you encountered Sirius Black. Your mother and I are thankful that you are simply alive. We love you very much.
Ps. Where on EARTH were Fred, George, and Lee? Why weren't they with you? TAKE THEM NEXT TIME SO YOU DON'T GET AS HURT.

You laughed and handed your letter to the twins and Lee to read.

"Your father's right," said George, "Take us with you next time!"

"I will!" you said, remembering your promise to Fred last night. You quickly wrote back to your father, telling him that you were quite fine and that Fred has made you promise never to do anything like that again without him. After feeding Connolly from your plate, you handed him the letter and your owl took off again.

The rest of breakfast you talked about the rumors that had been flying around the school. Everyone now knew that Professor Lupin was a werewolf; Snape had told the Slytherins immediately. No one seemed to really care, though, which you were grateful for. Lupin was one of the kindest men you had ever met. He deserved to be accepted by the wizarding world. What most people were discussing was Sirius Black. George and Lee shared their ideas about how Sirius escaped. You and Fred kept your mouths shut because you, of course, already knew. Besides, none of the rumors about Sirius that were floating around were close to the truth.

"Do you want to prank Filch right now?" asked Lee as the four of you left the Great Hall, "Might be the last opportunity of the year," The twins automatically agreed.

"I'm good," you said, "I need to go talk to Professor Lupin,"

"Lupin?" asked George and Lee at the same time. Fred nodded at you in understanding. He, after all, knew that Lupin was your uncle.

"He's my uncle," you said, "He told me two nights ago,"

"Wicked," said Lee, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"I only found out two days ago!" you said.

"But you have a bloody epic werewolf as your uncle and you simply forgot to tell us?" asked George.

Heartbeats: Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now