n o t e t w e n t y f i v e

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he entered his lecture hall with dark bags under his eyes, he barely got any sleep the night before from the anxiety that he felt

plopping down into his seat he let out a sigh trying to keep himself awake for the lecture

"jungwoo are you alright?" his head slowly turned to the figure, his vision was hazy as he tried to focus on the figure

the sleep deprivation was hitting his head hard as he tried to her the figure's muffled words

"you're so fragile.. you're mine okay?" her smile twisted sinisterly as he nodded without much thought

"good. you'll always be mine" she continued to use his tiredness to her advantage, playing him like a puppet on strings 

she cupped his cheek running her thumb against his soft skin, "your friends try to protect you so badly but fail to check up on your mental health. poor thing, if you were mine you wouldn't even have to worry about your worries so much"

the male slowly fell asleep on the table, his head resting comfortable on his arms

"you will be mine, just you wait"

my head.. he rested his head against his palm as he noticed where he was

how'd i get back to my dorm? who's voice is that? he slide off his bed and opened the door of his room, "doyoung hyung?"

"oh jungwoo! you're okay! you were sleeping in the lecture so i took you to your dorm and informed your professors that you'd be gone. they should send you notes later" the older smiled

"thank you.. you didn't have to"

"you looked really stressed and tired and i didn't want disrupt you. i had johnny help me carry you back here."

the blue hair nodded as he thanked the older again and went to his room to sleep away his worries

but one thought lingered in his head for a moment, who was the figure from earlier? his mind was fuzzy and he couldn't quite remember

"i hope nothing bad happened.." he muttered shutting his eyes 

look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now