n o t e t h i r t y

181 5 6

"lets do something fun today, if you don't mind?" doyoung had come up to jungwoo during their last class. he'd seen how unnaturally gloomy he had become and wanted to take him to do something fun for a day

"u-uh i'm not sure.. i don't like going out much.." he fidgeted with his fingers out of sheer habit. did he truly trust him enough for it?

"can we just do something simple hyung?" the blue haired asked skeptically. "yeah, just something chill and nothing that draws attention right?" he nodded

the older offered a hand to the younger, "lets get a move on it" as the younger hesitated in taking his hand but ended up doing so

the tall male made his way through the streets. it was rather late but was accustomed to traveling through the streets. being only difficult as it was a part of town he usually drove through and was unfamiliar to

the roads began to clear and the streets became emptier as it got later and later. he focused on one goal, and it was getting home safely
in a sudden moment he was walking casually, and in another moment he was pulled into a dark alleyway, a hand covering his mouth and a silver blade held up to his throat

panic and adrenaline kicked in, his fight or flight mechanism kicking in as he began to struggle and flail. but the figure had an insane amount of strength keeping him stationed and quiet

"shh i'll end this quickly for you. fast easy death." the voice rang through his head, a familiar one. the silver blade began to push more and more into his throat until it broke through

his last final thoughts flashed before him before everything started to turn white

i'm sorry i couldn't protect you kim jungwoo.



what a lovely way to mark off chapter 30 don't you think?

ahah im sorry for killing off doyoung 

look away ☄ kim jungwooNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ