n o t e s i x

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paranoia ran through his mind, crossing every vein in his body. it wouldn't go away, it just couldn't

not only could everyone be a puppet for her.. but she was watching as well. he couldn't even trust anyone anymore. sometimes he wonders if he can even trust lucas.

no what am i thinking? of course i can trust him, we made a promise

he thought gripping his pencil as the eyes of others watched him

"that's it for class, the instructions for the assignment will be sent through your school emails so make sure to watch for that. have a good day"

the professor announced to the class, as they walked out everyone had begun to pack their things and converse

"hey jungwoo!" another student called out, it was kim doyoung, someone he was familiar with but never really knew.

the male was once apart of the student body of his high school and was very influential

"a-ah hello sunbaenim.. is there something you need?" he shyly asked, not very used to talking to people with such high titles 

"uh not at the moment, but i was wondering if you were okay these days. you seem really stressed and sad recently, you could sit with me and my friends if you'd like" he suggested

his eyes widened and shook his head, looking down at the ground

"u-uhm no thank you, i wouldn't want to disturb" the paranoia kicked in the moment the other suggested it

"oh you wouldn't be disturbing us, but if you ever change your mind just let me know okay." he smiled and walked off out the room

no one wants to talk to him, there's no way he'd even want to pay attention to me. he's faking it i know, he is faking it right? 

his mind wandered in places thinking of all the outcomes of if he even attempted to make friends in this state. not even noticing a figure watching him as he left the room

"you're getting so paranoid for no reason! my love, you're making my job so easy. the more and more that you stop interacting.. the more and more that i can have you all to myself.."

a maniac giggle filled the empty classroom 

"what a shame.."



so like i did this thing where i defied my pending list for future groups to stan and now im stanning DRIPPIN and i apologized to CIX like 50 times because they were at the top of the list and i completely ignored that and stanned DRIPPIN dhstj

look away ☄ kim jungwooOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz