n o t e f o r t y o n e

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"you don't have to follow me to my classes.. aren't your classes on the other side of campus." he pursed his lips into a line looking at the older. the older shrugged with his usual smile. "i mean i'm a favourite among my professors so it'll be fine." his smile grew making the blue haired sigh

"i appreciate you trying to take care of my johnny, but i'm an adult too.." he stared down at the ground in slight discomfort. he shook his head as the view of the other's classroom came into view, "when does your class end jungwoo?" he asked 

thinking for a moment, he looked over for a brief moment, "uhm, 11?" he spoke in an unsure way. "you go to the class why are you-" 
"just go please" he lightly pushed the taller with a stressed expression as he paced to the door of the classroom.

the taller laughed a bit taking his route to his class. a strange feeling took over the atmosphere around him as the halls cleared around him. discomfort slid down his spine as he looked around. it was rather warm out yet he could only feel cold

"johnny sunbaenim?" the soft voice called out to him in the emptiness of the hallway. turning he was presented by the light brown haired female with an almost sinister smile. "i see you're taking care of jungwoo oppa." she perked up an eyebrow at him.

his throat went dry knowing the intentions of the female, "he was.. feeling unwell, i'm only being a good friend." he stood his ground. she tilted her head with her smile holding its shape, "is that so? if he's feeling unwell why must he come to classes? shouldn't he stay home? or are you unconditionally 'protecting' him?" her eyes were as sharp as a snake's

"sunbaenim, i suggest you, back off." her stern stare quite frankly made him frightened for some reason. "we wouldn't want your precious friends to get hurt hm?" her smile twisted in a sickening way. his gut started to hurt, he needed out. he needed out now.
"i know you'd do anything for your friends, so if you want them to not be harmed. i suggest you back off, unless you want to become my lapdog." 

she bowed carefully to him as if they had never spoken, the clicking of her heels becoming fainter and fainter as he stood there. his hand shook in an unsettling way, i won't fall for her tricks. not this time. he let out a shaky sigh, trying to make his mind forget. forget her stare, forget her. even if it lingered in his head.



i'm so so so so so so so sorry for not updating for 3 weeks i will get back to updating for y'all <3

look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now