n o t e t h i r t y t w o

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the miserable male made his way through the halls undisturbed yet not unwatched. the people who adored doyoung had learned about his friendship with the quiet junior. 

"uhm excuse me." a female went up to jungwoo placing a hand on his shoulder making him jolt out of instinct, turning his head cautiously, "oh my goodness i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you like that.. i was just wondering if you could answer some questions for me?"

he gulped a bit, "w-what do you need?" his whisper like voice asked, "this may be a sensitive topic.. but i was wondering if you have any knowledge on why someone would do something like.. that.. to doyoung?" she asked carefully

freezing up he clutched the straps of his bag tightly, he avoided all signs of eye contact with the female alerting her, "o-oh i'm so sorry! that must've been insensitive in my end.. i just.. we're trying to find out what happened and who could've done it and a thing or two happened and people led me to.. you"

her explanation making him less tense, "i-i didn't know that this happened to him.. so i can't provide you with anything.. i'm sorry." a sigh emitted from her lips

"thank you for your time.." she walked off immediately after leaving him still in a state of shock as he headed to the more quiet halls of the campus. 

the noises of heels clicking made him gulp at the thought. a trauma being too much at once as he rushed off. running away from nothing

he was running away from nothing at all

not even a single shadow was behind


look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now