n o t e f i f t y n i n e

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"no blood on the carpet i just bought this." the older lady called watching her deared eldest daughter appear drenched in crimson liquids. "dearest mother you have such low expectations for me. i would never." she bowed carefully towards her mother.

looking around the mansion exterior, "where is jung hwan mother?" tossing a cloth towards the bloody female. she sighed, "your sister is out for her night classes. you should know this seeming you care for her so much."

letting out a menacing cackle, cleaning her hands with the cloth given so elegantly to her. "who else am i suppose to care about? eldest brother? he left ages ago i can't be bothered to know who he is anymore." rolling her eyes at the thought of him.

"running away from home to reunite with his love to get married off in a foreign country at age 18. how bothersome, at least bring back grandchildren." the lady dabbed her face with her handkerchief dramatically. "best be off now, your father never likes a late person." the mother checked her watch before leaving the mansion.

"father this, father that. it's all sickening in my opinion." voicing out carelessly, she proceeded to her room in the mansion to rid of the stench of dried iron.  

look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now