n o t e f o r t y s i x

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"jungwoo! jungwoo! slow down!" a familiar voice called out to him with a slight heavy breathing following it. given he had been practically dashing down the halls for 30 minutes. he looked worriedly at the older walking over to assist him and present him with water.

"h-hyung are you okay?" he patted the other on the back with a worried expression. he held up an ok sign with a small smile. "just, tired from running. but i saw you a few doors down and i tried to catch up to you but you seemed so out of it." he huffed 

the blue haired nodded looking around to find a suitable sitting area for the both of them. "i heard what happened and you know it's not your fault right jungwoo?" the older reassured to the male yet he still felt unsteady on it. 
it didn't matter what reassurance he received, it didn't feel natural that all these events happened in such a strange pattern.

of course he had specific eyes on someone he knew was capable with this whole mess in the first place. he knew he should've never took the acceptance to this university. there were so many others, why did he have to choose this one. lives of 2 innocent people would've been easily spared.

"right.. not my fault."

look away ☄ kim jungwooKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat