n o t e f i f t y o n e

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wide awake, he hadn't gotten sleep in days. escape, there was no place for him anymore. the last year for taeil and he ruined it for him and his family. all these people had people to go back to, what about him? what's the point?

with cheeks stained with his tears, he no longer had the same mental stability that he strived off of. he was going to lose it he could tell from the way his hands shook and a colour of crimson coloured his vision to the point of blinding. entirely losing it, he couldn't take it. 

no ounce of energy would ever let him get up, he stopped picking up calls, it didn't matter much, he ran out of battery 3 days ago. he just wanted to stop all this suffering, all this suffering to other people. 

"jungwoo let me in." a voice from outside his room, he hadn't heard the voice in which felt like forever. unable to move from his spot, it wasn't till the door suddenly unlocked. "i mean you made me do it." he twirled the lockpicker in his hand, "come on bud, i'm taking you to therapy, sicheng and yuta are worried about you." he was careful to be delicate with the now fragile male.

shaking his head furiously, he let out a sorrowed sigh, "look, you've been through a lot of trauma and keeping that in your head all the time is going to cause you to do irrational things." his softer tone calmed him down a bit better. "i know the right person and trust me, it'll get better from there when i get you there. please allow me to take you."

outstretching a hand in front of the blue haired. he stared at it for what seemed like forever before shakily taking a hold of it. a large smile spread across the older's face, relieved that he trusted him enough to even touch him. "come on, it might take a bit so if you can take a nap in the car during the drive." 

look away ☄ kim jungwooजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें