r e d s t a i n s

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screaming out in fear, her hand covered his. a dark expression took over her eyes as she stared deeply into his. "shh." her sickening smile creeped onto her face. plastering perfectly into the identical smile she always looked at him with.

"it's too bad, i would've spared you if you didn't scream." her quiet tone sticking to him easily as it was the first time he'd heard it. reaching behind her, the shiny blade that she held in her hand made his body shake. 

backing away from her once again, he was about to scream out only for it to be muffled. "i love you, to the day you die. oh well it has to come to an end either way." her laugh rang through his ears and bouncing around his head.

proceeding closer to him, the blade came inching more and more before she full sending it into his chest. uncovering his mouth his breaths began to become slower and slower. his tears ran down his face as he began to choke.

the vibrations of his sobs causing him more pain than good, he was helpless. there was no one that was going to help him. touching his stomach for a second, the crimson liquid that covered his hand made him light headed.

"you should've listened to me my darling." 
her last words hit him as his vision began to get splotchy. the last sight was of the female walked out of his room leaving him to die there as if he was a dying animal. his head hit the ground and the world went cold.

"today on this day of remembrance we honour the lives that were unfortunately taken from our world's grasp."
placing the lilies in front of his picture frame, they could only bow in sadness. "may we wish their families joy instead of the misfortunate that they've experienced."

stuffing his face into his hands, he stifled out a sob as everything came crashing like the tides. their one job failing him as the one they cared about had passed. "h-he's gone." his messy sobs and hiccups hurting him severely.

"we will never forget you kim jungwoo." the male stood respectively, with pursed lips he was unable to speak any more. "may you rest in a world where you are no longer in suffering and fear." his words barely above a whisper, letting his head fall in respect.

"we will never forget you kim jungwoo."  

look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now